Indiana University’s Students Demand Action may have a proactive name and a dedicated mission, but it was seeking guidance on how to get its message across during a panel discussion Sunday. Paul Helmke, a former Fort Wayne mayor and ex-president & CEO of the Brady Center/Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, led the panel exploring the potential of approaching gun violence reduction as a public health issue like attacking COVID or influenza outbreaks. ”We try to analyze ‘why is this happening? What are the causes of it? What are some of the solutions?’ We don’t look at gun violence that way,” Helmke said. “Usually, we say there is nothing we can do about it, so we step away. But if we started to treat gun violence like a public health issue, ‘What are the causes, what are the possible solutions,’ there’s no way we’re gonna end it all, but there are things we can do to make the problem less. That’s the approach we should be taking.”