Connecticut School Discipline Laws & Regulations: Return to school following removal

Discipline Compendium

Connecticut School Discipline Laws & Regulations: Return to school following removal

Category: Exclusionary Discipline: Suspension, Expulsion, and Alternative Placement
Subcategory: Return to school following removal
State: Connecticut

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10-233d. Expulsion of pupils.

(j) An expelled pupil may apply for early readmission to school. Except as provided in this subsection, such readmission shall be at the discretion of the local or regional board of education. The board of education may delegate authority for readmission decisions to the superintendent of schools for the school district. If the board delegates such authority, readmission shall be at the discretion of the superintendent. Readmission decisions shall not be subject to appeal to Superior Court. The board or superintendent, as appropriate, may condition such readmission on specified criteria.

(k) Local and regional boards of education shall submit to the Commissioner of Education such information on expulsions for the possession of weapons as required for purposes of the Gun-Free Schools Act of 1994, 20 USC 8921 et seq., as amended from time to time.

(l)(1) Any student who commits an expellable offense and is subsequently placed in a juvenile residential center or any other residential placement for such offense may be expelled by a local or regional board of education in accordance with the provisions of this section. The period of expulsion shall run concurrently with the period of placement in a juvenile residential center or other residential placement.

(2) If a student who committed an expellable offense seeks to return to a school district after participating in a diversionary program or having been placed in a juvenile residential center or any other residential placement and such student has not been expelled by the local or regional board of education for such offense under subdivision (1) of this subsection, the local or regional board of education for the school district to which the student is returning shall allow such student to return and may not expel the student for additional time for such offense.

10-233i. Students placed on probation by a court.

A student placed on probation by a court may return to school on a conditional basis, within the limits prescribed by the court, provided the court has requested, from the superintendent of schools of the school district in which the student resides, and considered (1) information on the student's school attendance, adjustment and behavior and (2) any recommendations for conditions for disposition or sentencing. Superintendents of schools shall provide such information to the court in a timely manner.

10-233k. Notification of school officials of potentially dangerous students. Provision of educational records of children returning to school from residential centers.

(a) If the Department of Children and Families believes, in good faith, that there is a risk of imminent personal injury to the person or other individuals from a child in its custody who has been adjudicated a serious juvenile offender, the department shall notify the superintendent of schools for the school district in which such child may be returning to attend school or was attending prior to the adjudication of such determination, prior to the child's return. The superintendent of schools shall notify the principal at the school the child will be attending that the child is potentially dangerous. The principal may disclose such information only to special services staff or a consultant, such as a psychiatrist, psychologist or social worker, for the purpose of assessing the risk of danger posed by such child to himself, other students, school employees or school property and effectuating an appropriate modification of such child's educational plan or placement and for disciplinary reasons.

(b) The Department of Children and Families and the Judicial Department or the local or regional board of education shall provide to the superintendent of schools any educational records within their custody of a child seeking to enter or return to a school district from a juvenile residential center or any other residential placement prior to the child's entry or return. The agencies shall also require any contracting entity that holds custody of such records to provide them to the superintendent of schools prior to the child's entry or return. Receipt of the educational records shall not delay a child from enrolling in school. The superintendent of schools shall provide such information to the principal at the school the child will be attending. The principal shall disclose such information to appropriate staff as is necessary to the education or care of the child.


No relevant regulations found.

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