

The National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments (NCSSLE) has developed several guides to support stakeholders in building and promoting safe and supportive learning environments for all students.

NCSSLE guides, including toolkits, provide comprehensive packages of evidence-based tools and strategies on a certain topic such as school climate improvement, discipline disparities, sexual assault, and trauma-informed care. Stakeholders can use these guides to develop data driven goals, establish short- and long- term strategies, and find additional resources related to the topic.

School Climate Improvement Resource Package

School Climate Improvement Resource Package. This resource package is designed to help schools and districts improve school climate. It will include a variety of resources to meet a range of needs among stakeholders interested in improving school climate. The first item for release is the School Climate Improvement Quick Guide.

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Suite of Resources to Promote Student Mental Health. This resource package provides data on the prevalence of common behavioral health issues while sharing information and customizable tools to promote student mental health. This suite of school mental health resources were developed to help state and local education agencies develop and sustain school mental health programs.

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Human Trafficking in America's Schools: What Schools Can Do To Prevent, Respond, and Help Students To Recover From Human Trafficking, Second Edition (2021): Provides awareness of the current prevalence of child trafficking and the forms it takes and explains what schools can do to prevent, respond, and help students to recover from human trafficking.

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Human Trafficking in America's Schools: How Schools Can Combat Human Trafficking in Partnership With People With Lived Experience: Describes ways schools can partner effectively with people with lived experience of trafficking, and explores some of the unique benefits these consultants offer. 

Safe Place to Learn: Prevent, Intercede, and Respond to Sexual Harassment of K-12 Students


Safe Place to Learn: Prevent, Intercede, and Respond to Sexual Harassment of K-12 Students. This resource package provides a range of materials that address peer-to-peer sexual harassment. It supports school district and school staff efforts to comply with Title IX sex discrimination prohibitions and create a positive school climate.

Safe Place: Trauma-Sensitive Practice for Health Centers Serving Higher Education Students


Safe Place: Trauma-Sensitive Practice for Health Centers Serving Higher Education Students. This resource kit encompasses a broad range of material introducing and endorsing trauma-sensitive practice with an emphasis on sexual assault trauma. 

Talking With Your Child’s School About Preventing and Addressing School Violence


Talking With Your Child’s School About Preventing and Addressing School Violence. This guide helps families engage with schools on preventing and addressing school violence by providing key questions to ask about prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery. It offers practical tips for reinforcing safety at home and fostering collaboration between families and schools to ensure a supportive learning environment. 

All materials contained on this page can be downloaded and used free of charge. No additional preparation or training is required. 


American Institutes for Research

U.S. Department of Education

The contents of the National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments Web site were assembled under contracts from the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Safe and Supportive Schools to the American Institutes for Research (AIR), Contract Number  91990021A0020.

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