School Climate Improvement Resource Package

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Students learn best when they are in environments in which they feel safe, supported, challenged, and accepted. Research shows that when schools and districts focus on improving school climate, students are more likely to engage in the curriculum, develop positive relationships, and demonstrate positive behaviors.

To help schools and districts improve school climate, the National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments has developed the School Climate Improvement Resource Package (Resource Package). The Resource Package includes a variety of resources to meet a range of needs among stakeholders interested in improving school climate.*



cover page of the Quick Guide

Quick Guide on Making School Climate Improvements. This guide provides the basics on what is involved in improving school climate, including descriptions of what it looks like when it is being done well, as well as pitfalls to avoid.

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Cover Page of the Reference Manual

School Climate Improvement Reference Manual. This reference manual provides comprehensive lists of goals, strategies, outputs, and resources on improving school climate via planning, engaging stakeholders, collecting, analyzing and reporting data, identifying and implementing interventions, and monitoring and evaluating.

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Screenshot of one of the Action Guides

School Climate Improvement Action Guides. These guides provide action steps for district leaders, school leaders, instructional staff, noninstructional staff, families, students, and community partners on how to support school climate improvements, tips on what it looks like when it is being done well and what pitfalls to avoid, and questions to ask to engage in the school climate improvement efforts.

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Screenshot of one of the data interpretation resources

School Climate Data Resources. These resources help interpret school climate data. Specifically:

  • A Data Analysis Worksheet that provides key questions ED School Climate Surveys (EDSCLS) users can utilize to guide analysis of their data;
  • A Data Interpretation Guide that provides technical descriptions of and recommendations for using and interpreting various school climate survey data; and
  • Data Interpretation Topical Discussion Guides to assist in using and interpreting data results for specific school climate topic areas, overall and by multi-tiered system of supports, as applicable. 
  • School Climate Survey Item Bank that offers items survey administrators can add to their school climate survey for students engaged with virtual instruction.

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Screenshot of the home page of the online module

Online Modules. These six modules provide an opportunity to practice skills, including engaging leadership and other stakeholders, analyzing and collecting school climate data, and identifying interventions.

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Page 1 of the Adversity and Trauma in School Communities Brief

Understanding the Importance of Creating Positive School Climates to Support Students Facing Adversity and Trauma. School climate improvement efforts are critical for ensuring that as school communities face various forms of adversity and/or trauma, schools can adapt as needed and continue to foster the optimal conditions for both teaching and learning. This brief provides an understanding of the vital role schools play in preventing and helping students to heal from adverse or traumatic experiences by creating safe, respectful, and engaging environments where everyone can thrive.

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Beyond the Books

Beyond the Books Podcast and Videos. The Beyond the Books Series centers the perspectives of students in building safe, inclusive, supportive, and fair learning environments. Created in collaboration with young people, this collection of resources provides important insight for school communities as they implement school climate improvement practices that support students’ social, emotional, and academic growth and success.

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* These documents provide strategies applicable to public schools and districts, including charter authorizers, charter management organizations, education management organizations, individual charter schools, and charter local educational agencies.

American Institutes for Research

U.S. Department of Education

The contents of the National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments Web site were assembled under contracts from the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Safe and Supportive Schools to the American Institutes for Research (AIR), Contract Number  91990021A0020.

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