School Climate Improvement Action Guides

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School Climate Improvement Action Guides

The School Climate Improvement Action Guides are designed to provide district leaders, school leaders, instructional staff, noninstructional staff, families, students, and community partners with action steps on how to support school climate improvements; tips on what it looks like when it is being done well and what pitfalls to avoid; and questions to ask to engage in the school climate improvement process.* 

The School Climate Improvement Action Guides are one set of materials, among a diverse collection of tools within the School Climate Improvement Resource Package, commissioned by the Department of Education Office of Safe and Healthy Students.



  1. School Climate Improvement Action Guide for District Leaders (PDF)

This document outlines key action steps that district leaders—superintendents, assistant superintendents, directors of student support services, or others—can take to contribute to improve school climate.

  1. School Climate Improvement Action Guide for School Leaders (PDF)

This document outlines key action steps that school leaders—principals, assistant/vice principals, or building leaders—can take to contribute to improve school climate.

  1. School Climate Improvement Action Guide for Instructional Staff (PDF)

This document outlines key action steps that instructional staff—including teachers, paraprofessionals, and classroom aides—can take to contribute to improve school climate.

  1. School Climate Improvement Action Guide for Noninstructional Staff (PDF)

This document outlines key action steps that noninstructional staff—including office staff, guidance counselors, social workers, school psychologists, bus drivers, maintenance and facility staff, and food service staff—can take to contribute to improve school climate.

  1. School Climate Improvement Action Guide for Working with Families (PDF) (English Version)
  1. Guía de acción para el mejoramiento del ambiente escolar: Trabajar con las familias (PDF) (Versión en español)

This document outlines how family members, including guardians of students, can be engaged in the school climate improvements so that students are more successful.

  1. School Climate Improvement Action Guide for Working with Students (PDF)

This document outlines how students can be engaged in the school climate improvements so they are more successful.

  1. School Climate Improvement Action Guide for Community Partners (PDF) (English Version)
  1. Guía de acción para el mejoramiento del ambiente escolar: Socios comunitarios (PDF) (Versión en español)

This document outlines how community partners can support school climate improvements so they are more successful.

* These documents provide strategies applicable to public schools and districts, including charter authorizers, charter management organizations, education management organizations, individual charter schools, and charter local educational agencies.

American Institutes for Research

U.S. Department of Education

The contents of the National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments Web site were assembled under contracts from the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Safe and Supportive Schools to the American Institutes for Research (AIR), Contract Number  91990021A0020.

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