Iowa School Discipline Laws & Regulations: Due Process

Discipline Compendium

Iowa School Discipline Laws & Regulations: Due Process

Category: Exclusionary Discipline: Suspension, Expulsion, and Alternative Placement
Subcategory: Due Process
State: Iowa

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282.4. Suspension–expulsion.

2. A student who commits an assault, as defined under section 708.1, against a school employee in a school building, on school grounds, or at a school-sponsored function shall be suspended for a time to be determined by the principal. Notice of the suspension shall be immediately sent to the president of the board. By special meeting or at the next regularly scheduled board meeting, the board shall review the suspension and decide whether to hold a disciplinary hearing to determine whether or not to order further sanctions against the student, which may include expelling the student. In making its decision, the board shall consider the best interests of the school district, which shall include what is best to protect and ensure the safety of the school employees and students from the student committing the assault.

290.1 Appeal to state board. 

An affected pupil, or the parent or guardian of an affected pupil who is a minor, who is aggrieved by a decision or order of the board of directors of a school corporation in a matter of law or fact, or a decision or order of a board of directors under section 282.18, subsection 3B, may, within thirty days after the rendition of the decision or the making of the order, appeal the decision or order to the state board of education; the basis of the proceedings shall be an affidavit filed with the state board by the party aggrieved within the time for taking the appeal, which affidavit shall set forth any error complained of in a plain and concise manner. 


281-12.3(13). Policy declaring harassment and bullying against state and school policy.

12.3(6) Student responsibility and discipline. The board shall adopt student responsibility and discipline policies as required by Iowa Code section 279.8. The board shall involve parents, students, instructional and noninstructional professional staff, and community members in the development and revision of those policies where practicable or unless specific policy is mandated by legislation. The policies shall relate to the educational purposes of the school or school district. The policies shall include, but are not limited to, the following: attendance; use of tobacco; the use or possession of alcoholic beverages or any controlled substance; harassment of or by students and staff as detailed in subrule 12.3(13); violent, destructive, and seriously disruptive behavior; suspension, expulsion, emergency removal, weapons, and physical restraint; out-of-school behavior; participation in extracurricular activities; academic progress; and citizenship.

The policies shall ensure due process rights for students and parents, including consideration for students who have been identified as requiring special education programs and services.

American Institutes for Research

U.S. Department of Education

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