Iowa School Discipline Laws & Regulations: Formal Incident Reporting of Conduct Violations

Discipline Compendium

Iowa School Discipline Laws & Regulations: Formal Incident Reporting of Conduct Violations

Category: Monitoring and Accountability
Subcategory: Formal Incident Reporting of Conduct Violations
State: Iowa

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279.51A. Classroom environment–behavioral challenges–reports of violence or assault.

4. A classroom teacher employed by a school district shall report any threat of violence or incident of violence that results in injury or property damage or assault by a student enrolled in the school to the principal or the lead administrator of the school within twenty-four hours after the threat of violence or incident of violence occurs, and the classroom teacher may notify the parent or guardian of the student who made the threat of violence or caused the incident of violence, and the parent or guardian of the student to whom the threat of violence was made or the incident of violence occurred, of the threat of violence or incident of violence. 

b. The principal or lead administrator of the school shall notify the parent or guardian of the student enrolled in the school who made the threat of violence or caused the incident of violence that resulted in injury or property damage or assault, and the parent or guardian of the student to whom the threat of violence was made or the incident of violence occurred, of the threat of violence or incident of violence within twenty-four hours after the classroom teacher reports the threat of violence or incident of violence to the principal or lead administrator pursuant to paragraph “a”. 

280.24. Procedures for reporting drug or alcohol possession or use.

The board of directors of each public school and the authorities in charge of each accredited nonpublic school shall prescribe procedures to report any use or possession of alcoholic liquor, wine, or beer or any controlled substance on school premises to local law enforcement agencies, if the use or possession is in violation of school policy or state law. The procedures may include a provision which does not require a report when the school officials have determined that a school at-risk or other student assistance program would be jeopardized if a student self reports.

280.26. Intervention in altercations.

2. A person who is not an employee of a public school district, accredited nonpublic school, or area education agency may intervene in a fight or physical struggle occurring among students, or between students and nonstudents, that takes place in the presence of the nonemployee in a school building, on school premises, or at any school function or school-sponsored activity regardless of its location. The intervention may occur in the absence of an employee of a public school district, accredited nonpublic school, or area education agency, or at the request of such an employee, utilizing the degree and force of intervention reasonably necessary to restore order and protect the safety of the individuals involved in the altercation and others in the vicinity of the altercation. However, a person who intervenes in the absence of an employee of a public school district, accredited nonpublic school, or area education agency shall report the intervention and all relevant information regarding the situation as soon as reasonably possible to such an employee.

280.27. Reporting violence–immunity.

An employee of a school district, an accredited nonpublic school, or an area education agency who participates in good faith and acts reasonably in the making of a report to, or investigation by, an appropriate person or agency regarding violence, threats of violence, physical or sexual abuse of a student, or other inappropriate activity against a school employee or student in a school building, on school grounds, or at a school-sponsored function shall be immune from civil or criminal liability relating to such action, as well as for participating in any administrative or judicial proceeding resulting from or relating to the report or investigation.

280.28. Harassment and bullying prohibited–policy–immunity.

3. Policy. On or before September 1, 2007, the board of directors of a school district and the authorities in charge of each accredited nonpublic school shall adopt a policy declaring harassment and bullying in schools, on school property, and at any school function, or school-sponsored activity regardless of its location, in a manner consistent with this section, as against state and school policy. The board and the authorities shall make a copy of the policy available to all school employees, volunteers, students, and parents or guardians and shall take all appropriate steps to bring the policy against harassment and bullying and the responsibilities set forth in the policy to the attention of school employees, volunteers, students, and parents or guardians. Each policy shall, at a minimum, include all of the following components:

e. A procedure for reporting an act of harassment or bullying, including the identification by job title of the school official responsible for ensuring that the policy is implemented, and the identification of the person or persons responsible for receiving reports of harassment or bullying.

299.15. Reports by school officers and employees.

All school officers and employees shall promptly report to the secretary of the school corporation any violations of the truancy law of which they have knowledge, and the § 299.15, secretary shall inform the president of the board of directors who shall, if necessary, call a meeting of the board to take such action thereon as the facts justify.


281-12.3(13). Policy declaring harassment and bullying against state and school policy.

12.3(13) Policy declaring harassment and bullying against state and school policy. The policy adopted by the board regarding harassment of or by students and staff shall declare harassment and bullying in schools, on school property, and at any school function or school-sponsored activity regardless of its location to be against state and school policy. The board shall make a copy of the policy available to all school employees, volunteers, students, and parents or guardians and shall take all appropriate steps to bring the policy against harassment and bullying and the responsibilities set forth in the policy to the attention of school employees, volunteers, students, and parents or guardians. Each policy shall, at a minimum, include all of the following components:

e. A procedure for reporting an act of harassment or bullying, including the identification by job title of the school official responsible for ensuring that the policy is implemented, and the identification of the person or persons responsible for receiving reports of harassment or bullying.

American Institutes for Research

U.S. Department of Education

The contents of the National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments Web site were assembled under contracts from the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Safe and Supportive Schools to the American Institutes for Research (AIR), Contract Number  91990021A0020.

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