Louisiana School Discipline Laws & Regulations: Communication of Policy

Discipline Compendium

Louisiana School Discipline Laws & Regulations: Communication of Policy

Category: Codes of Conduct
Subcategory: Communication of Policy
State: Louisiana

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§17:235.1. Parent orientation; local public school boards; guidelines.

B. Each local public school board shall conduct a parent orientation course according to the following guidelines:

(1) The program shall be scheduled to accommodate the attendance of the parents or guardians without the loss of work.

(2) All parents or guardians shall be encouraged to attend as many times as they wish.

(3) The school board shall provide every parent or guardian who attends the program a certificate verifying completion of the course.

(4) At the parent orientation meeting, the school board or its representative shall provide each parent or guardian a copy of and shall explain school board policies which:

(a) Govern the discipline of students, including but not limited to corporal punishment, detention, suspension, and expulsion of students.

(b) Govern the attendance of students and truancy sanctions.

(c) Govern the behavior and decorum expected of students at all times.

(d) Govern dress codes for students for all school functions, including but not limited to in-school and out-of-school functions, including but not limited to dances.

(e) Address parental access to instructional materials as provided in R.S. 17:355.

(f) Address any other such matters as the school board may deem appropriate.

(5) At the parent orientation meeting, the school board or its representative shall explain:

(a) Existing school board grading systems.

(b) Standardized test procedures in effect, including but not limited to preparation for tests, procedures to be followed on the testing days, and an explanation of the assessment of the test results.

(c) Policies governing promotion of students from grade to grade and procedures implemented when a student fails to attain sufficient standards for promotion.

(d) Other such matters as the school board may deem appropriate.

§17:416.13. Student code of conduct; requirement.

D. The State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education, in collaboration with the state Department of Education, shall develop and adopt rules and regulations to implement the provisions of this Section relative to the procedures and processes to be used to report and investigate bullying and which shall include but not be limited to:

(1) Notice to Students and Parents.–The governing authority of each public elementary and secondary school shall inform each student, orally and in writing at the orientation required under R.S. 17:416.20, of the prohibition against bullying of a student by another student, the nature and consequences of such actions, including the potential criminal consequences and loss of driver's license as provided in R.S. 17:416.1, and the proper process and procedure for reporting any incidents involving such prohibited actions. A copy of the written notice shall also be delivered to each student's parent or legal guardian.

§17:416.20. Student conduct standards; awareness and understanding by students; required orientation; guidelines.

A. In addition to any other requirements established by law, rule, or regulation relative to student discipline and conduct, the governing authority of a public elementary or secondary school shall require that every student be provided an orientation during the first five days of each school year regarding school disciplinary rules and provisions of the code of student conduct applicable to such students, including but not limited to the policy on bullying as provided in R.S. 17:416.13. Orientation instruction shall be provided by the school principal or his designees and shall include but not be limited to consequences for failing to comply with such school disciplinary rules and code requirements, including suspension, expulsion, the possibility of suspension of a student's driver's license for one year as provided in R.S. 17:416.1, and the possible criminal consequences of violent acts committed on school property, at a school-sponsored function, or in a firearm-free zone. The orientation also shall clearly communicate to students the rights afforded teachers pursuant to R.S. 17:416.18 and other applicable law relative to the discipline of students.

B. The orientation instruction required by this Section shall be age and grade appropriate and shall give full consideration as to whether the student is in a regular or special program of education.

C. Any student who for any reason does not receive the orientation provided for by this Section during the first five days of a school year shall be provided such orientation during the first five days of such student's attendance at the public elementary or secondary school.


LAC 28:CXV.1113. Orientation for Parents of First-Time Students.

A. Each student entering public school within the state for the first time, including kindergarten, shall present at the time of registering or entering satisfactory evidence that at least one of his parents or guardians has completed the orientation course required by this Section. The certificate of completion required by this Section shall constitute satisfactory evidence.

B. Each local educational governing authority shall conduct a parent orientation course according to the following guidelines.

1. The program shall be scheduled to accommodate the attendance of the parents or guardians without the loss of work.

2. All parents or guardians shall be encouraged to attend as many times as they wish.

3. The local educational governing authority shall provide every parent or guardian who attends the program a certificate verifying completion of the course.

4. At the parent orientation meeting, the local educational governing authority or its representative shall provide each parent or guardian a copy of and shall explain school board policies which:

a. govern the discipline of students, including but not limited to corporal punishment, detention, suspension, and expulsion of students;

b. govern the attendance of students and truancy sanctions;

c. govern the behavior and decorum expected of students at all times;

d. govern dress codes for students for all school functions, including but not limited to in-school and out-of-school functions, including but not limited to dances; and

e. address any other such matters as the local educational governing authority may deem appropriate.

5. At the parent orientation meeting, the local educational governing authority or its representative shall explain:

a. existing grading systems for the LEA;

b. standardized test procedures in effect, including but not limited to preparation for tests, procedures to be followed on the testing days, and an explanation of the assessment of the test results;

c. policies governing promotion of students from grade to grade and procedures implemented when a student fails to attain sufficient standards for promotion; and

d. other such matters as the local educational governing authority may deem appropriate.

C. Completion of one orientation course shall be satisfactory for the enrollment or registration of all children of a parent or guardian.

D. A local educational governing authority shall schedule not less than three orientation meetings during a school year, and at various times during the day, in order to facilitate attendance with as little inconvenience to the parents or guardians as possible. In order to carry out the intent and purpose of this Section, a local educational governing authority shall schedule not less than three orientation meetings between March and September of each year, and shall publish notice and otherwise seek to notify parents or guardians whose children may enter a school in the system of the attendance requirements.

E. If teachers of any LEA are required to attend an orientation meeting for first time parents as part of their job responsibilities on a day or at a time when the teachers would not otherwise have been required to work, then the teachers shall be compensated at their usual rate of pay on a pro rata basis.

F. Under no circumstances shall a student be denied entry into school because of noncompliance by a parent or guardian with the provisions of this Section.

LAC 28:CXV.1301. Disciplinary regulations.

A. Each LEA shall adopt such rules and regulations as it deems necessary to implement and control any disorderly conduct in the school or on the playground of the school, on any school bus, on the street or road while going to and from school, or during intermission and recess, or at any school sponsored activity or function.

1. The plan shall not prohibit a teacher from removing a pupil from the classroom for disciplinary reasons.

2. Each LEA shall adopt rules regarding the reporting and review of disciplinary actions.

B. Teachers, principals, and administrators may, subject to any rules as may be adopted by the LEA, apply reasonable disciplinary and corrective measures to maintain order in the schools (refer to R.S. 17:416 and R.S. 17:223).

C. The disciplinary rules (regulations) shall be made known to teachers, parents, and students and shall be reasonably and consistently enforced.

D. Any principal who fails to act on a report of student violations of disciplinary regulations shall explain his/her reasons for such an action to the superintendent of the LEA by which he or she is employed, or to the superintendent's designee.

E. Students, who, through no fault of their parents or guardians or other persons having charge of them, regularly disrupt the orderly processes of the school to which they have been assigned, shall be considered as delinquents and may be reported by the visiting teacher or supervisor of child welfare and attendance, to the district or family court of the parish having jurisdiction in juvenile matters, there to be dealt with in the manner prescribed by law.

F. Schools shall provide due process prior to suspensions and expulsions.

G. Students who are removed from the classroom for disruptive, dangerous, or unruly behavior or who are suspended for 10 days or less shall be assigned school work missed and shall receive either full or partial credit for such work if it is completed satisfactorily and timely as determined by the principal or designee, upon the recommendation of the student's teacher. A student who is suspended for more than 10 days or is expelled and receives educational services in an alternative school site, shall be assigned school work by a certified teacher and shall receive credit for school work if it is completed satisfactorily and timely as determined by the teacher. Such work shall be aligned with the curriculum used at the school from which the student was suspended or expelled.

H. Each local educational governing authority LEA shall adopt rules regarding the implementation of in-school suspension and detention.

I. Each LEA shall establish a discipline policy review committee comprised of sixteen members in accordance with the mandates of R.S. 17:416.8. The LEA shall establish procedures for appointing the two parent members.

American Institutes for Research

U.S. Department of Education

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