Louisiana School Discipline Laws & Regulations: Formal Incident Reporting of Conduct Violations

Discipline Compendium

Louisiana School Discipline Laws & Regulations: Formal Incident Reporting of Conduct Violations

Category: Monitoring and Accountability
Subcategory: Formal Incident Reporting of Conduct Violations
State: Louisiana

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§14:403.1. Substance abuse in schools; definitions; confidential reports; immunity; penalty.

A. The purpose of this Section is to protect teachers, administrators, school support personnel, and employees of the public school systems of this state from liability for damages as a result of reporting substance abuse on school campuses. It is intended that as a result of such reporting, the children attending schools in this state shall not be exposed to substance abuse while on campus, and law enforcement shall be aided in efforts to eradicate substance abuse by students.

B. For the purposes of this Section, the following terms shall mean:

(1) "Person" is any employee of a public school system including, but not limited to, teachers, administrators, school bus drivers, janitors, lunch room workers, maintenance employees, and coaches of athletic teams.

(2) "Student" is any person enrolled at school, including any person so enrolled but on temporary suspension, and any person physically on campus, whether a student or non-student.

(3) "School" is any public elementary or secondary school in the state of Louisiana.

(4) "Campus" is all facilities and property within the boundary of the school property and all vehicles used for public transportation of students.

(5) "Controlled dangerous substance" is any substance regulated or defined in the Uniform Controlled Dangerous Substance Law, Part X, Chapter IV of Title 40 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, except where prescribed by a physician and possessed and consumed by the person for whom prescribed.

(6) "Substance Abuse Prevention Team," hereafter sometimes referred to as "the team," is a panel of not less than six members consisting of at least one (a) administrator, (b) teacher, (c) guidance counselor, (d) parent representative, and (e) school support person. The team shall be trained by personnel from the Substance Abuse Prevention Education Program of the Louisiana Department of Education.

In the absence of the availability of a team trained by personnel from the Substance Abuse Prevention Education Program, the principal of a school may establish a substantially similar panel which shall be considered a substance abuse prevention team.

C. (1) Any person having reasonable cause to believe that a student possesses a controlled dangerous substance or an alcoholic beverage on a school campus, under circumstances other than those described in Paragraph (2) of this Subsection, shall report such fact to the principal of the school or to the chairman of the Substance Abuse Prevention Team on a report form prepared by the Department of Education or on a substantially similar form. If the report is to the principal, the principal immediately shall forward it to the chairman of the team.

The team shall discuss the circumstances of the report with the student reported without disclosing the name of the reporting person and shall also meet with the parents of the student reported. The team shall thereafter report to the principal of the school and make recommendations for treatment, counselling, or other appropriate action.

(2) Any person having factual knowledge that a student has manufactured, distributed, or possessed with intent to distribute a controlled dangerous substance shall report such fact to the principal of the school who, upon a finding that there is reasonable cause to believe that the student has manufactured, distributed, or possessed with intent to distribute a controlled dangerous substance, shall report such information to the appropriate law enforcement agency. If the principal determines that there are reasonable grounds to believe the student possessed a controlled dangerous substance but did not manufacture, distribute, or possess with intent to distribute a controlled dangerous substance, he shall refer the matter to the Substance Abuse Prevention Team chairman.

(3) The report required in Paragraphs (1) and (2) of this Subsection shall be written and shall include the name of the person making the report, the name of the student suspected of committing the act so reported, and the specific incident which caused the reporting person to believe the act had occurred. Sufficient detail shall be included to allow the report to be adequately reviewed. When appropriate, the report shall include a behavioral profile of the student since his enrollment in class.

D. (1) The provisions of Subsection C of this Section shall not preclude any person from making a report of conduct to a law enforcement agency when that person has reasonable cause to believe that the manufacture or distribution of a controlled dangerous substance has taken or is taking place and that delay would jeopardize or impair the ability to control the manufacture or distribution of a controlled dangerous substance on a campus.

(2) The provisions of Subsection C of this Section shall not preclude any person from making a report of conduct to a law enforcement agency when that person has reasonable cause to believe that a student on campus is under the influence of alcoholic beverages and that delay would jeopardize or impair the ability to operate the school or result in the student's being a danger to himself or others.

(3) A law enforcement agency receiving a report under the provisions of this Subsection may conduct an investigation of the report. Such investigation may include the administering, upon the school grounds and after consent has been obtained from student's parent or legal tutor, of a breath or urine test for the presence of alcohol or a controlled dangerous substance, if the investigating officer has reasonable cause to believe the student is or recently was on campus while under the influence of alcoholic beverages or a controlled dangerous substance. The methods for the administration and analysis of a breath or urine test under the provisions of this Subsection shall be the same as for chemical testing and analysis authorized under R.S. 32:663. The results of a breath or urine test authorized under this Subsection shall be provided solely to the student, the parent or legal tutor of the student, the principal of the school, and the chairman of the Substance Abuse Prevention Team, and shall not be used as the basis for any disciplinary proceeding against the student. The law enforcement agency may keep a copy of the test results which copy shall not be a public record and shall not be open for public inspection but shall be kept confidential under lock and key and maintained only for internal record keeping purposes to preserve the integrity of said agency's files and shall not be used for any investigative purpose. The test results shall be exempt from the Public Records Act 1 (R.S. 44:1 et seq.) and shall not be admissible as evidence in any civil or criminal trial, hearing, or other proceeding.

E. All reports filed pursuant to this Section shall be confidential. The identity of the reporting person shall not be disclosed except when the constitution of the State of Louisiana or the United States so requires. All reports shall be exempt from the Public Records Act.

F. Any person who makes a report in good faith, pursuant to Subsections C and D of this Section, shall have immunity from civil liability that otherwise might be incurred. Such immunity shall extend to testimony in any judicial proceeding resulting from such report.

G. The willful failure by a person with permanent status to make a report required by Subsection C of this Section shall constitute willful neglect of duty which may subject the person to dismissal pursuant to R.S. 17:443, R.S. 17:462, R.S. 17:493, R.S. 17:523, or R.S. 17:533, as appropriate. Any person without permanent status may be dismissed for willful neglect of duty under this Section after a hearing in accordance with the procedures set forth in R.S. 17:443.

§17:7. Duties, functions, and responsibilities of board.

In addition to the authorities granted by R.S. 17:6 and any powers, duties, and responsibilities vested by any other applicable laws, the board shall:

(f)(i) In addition to any other requirements of the minimum foundation program formula as most recently adopted by the State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education and approved by the legislature, the state board, beginning with the 2010-2011 school year and continuing thereafter, shall require each city, parish, or other local public school board to expend funds generated by applying the weighted factors contained in such formula for at-risk students, career and technical education course units, special education students other than gifted and talented students, and gifted and talented students on personnel, professional services, instructional materials, equipment, and supplies that serve the unique needs of students who generate such funds and to submit annually a written report to the State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education that details the types of activities on which these funds were expended to serve the needs of the weighted students at all schools that serve such students. The information contained in such annual report shall be published on the state Department of Education website in an easily understandable format.

(ii) Beginning with the 2009-2010 school year and continuing thereafter, the State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education shall offer guidance and technical assistance to each city, parish, or other local public school board in making strategic fiscal decisions that promote improved student achievement. Such guidance and technical assistance shall include but not be limited to the identification of best practices in school finance that promote efficiency, economies of scale, and the use of comparative data to improve spending and educational outcomes.

(iii) Beginning with the 2009-2010 school year and continuing thereafter, the State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education shall annually publish revenue and expenditure data, including but not limited to the allocation and expenditure of funds generated by the minimum foundation program, local revenues, and federal grants, for each city, parish, or other local public school board by district and by school level, to the extent possible, in an easily understandable format on the state Department of Education website. Such data shall include but not be limited to comparative per pupil expenses reported by the school system for personnel, transportation, and other major categories of common expenditures as determined by the state Department of Education.

(iv) The State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education shall establish a system for the uniform collection and reporting of all data required by this Subparagraph.

(v) For the purposes of this Subparagraph, the term "city, parish, or other local public school board" shall mean the governing authority of any public elementary or secondary school.

§17:183. Hazing; public elementary and secondary students; intent and findings; definitions; policies.

A. (1) It is the intent of the legislature that every public elementary and secondary school in this state shall be a safe, orderly, civil, and positive learning environment so that no student in this state feels threatened while in school.

(2) The legislature finds that while some forms of initiation for membership in student clubs and organizations constitute acceptable behavior, the hazing of students may degenerate into a dangerous form of intimidation and degradation.

B. (1) As used in this Section, "hazing" means any knowing behavior, whether by commission or omission, of any student to encourage, direct, order, or participate in any activity which subjects another student to potential physical, mental, or psychological harm for the purpose of initiation or admission into, affiliation with, continued membership in, or acceptance by existing members of any organization or extracurricular activity at a public elementary or secondary school, whether such behavior is planned or occurs on or off school property, including any school bus and school bus stop.

(2) Hazing does not mean any adult-directed and school-sanctioned athletic program practice or event or military training program.

C. Hazing is prohibited in public elementary and secondary schools.

D. (1) Each city, parish, and other local public school board shall develop, adopt, and post a policy to enforce the prohibition in this Section against hazing and to prevent its occurrence.

(2) Each such policy shall include, at a minimum, the following:

(a) A statement that hazing of students, as defined in Subsection B of this Section, is prohibited.

(b) A statement that any solicitation to engage in hazing is prohibited.

(c) A statement that aiding and abetting another person who engages in hazing is prohibited.

(d) A statement that consent of the hazing victim is not a defense.

(e) A statement that all students, teachers, and other school employees shall take reasonable measures within the scope of their individual authority to prevent violations of the policy.

(f) A description of the procedures for students, teachers, and other school employees to report violations of the policy and the procedures to file a complaint for a violation of the policy.

(g) Procedures to investigate reports or complaints of violations of the policy.

(h) A description of the circumstances under which a violation of the policy shall be reported to the appropriate law enforcement agency.

(i) A description of the appropriate penalties and appeal mechanisms for persons that violate the policy.

§17:416. Discipline of students; suspension; expulsion.

A. (4) The governing authority of each public elementary and secondary school shall adopt such rules and regulations as it deems necessary to implement the provisions of this Subsection and of R.S. 17:416.13. Such rules and regulations shall include but not be limited to the following provisions:

(a) A procedure permitting any teacher or other school employee to report any violation of the provisions of this Subsection to the appropriate school principal. The procedure shall provide for the uniform use throughout the school system of two forms to report incidents of alleged discipline violations. One form shall be used to report only school transportation-related incidents and one form shall be used to report all other incidents.

(i) The form for reporting a transportation-related incident shall provide for the following information:

(aa) Bus number and name of operator.

(bb) Pupil name and grade level.

(cc) School name and name of the principal.

(dd) Date of the incident and whether it occurred on the way to or on the way from the school or school function.

(ee) A menu of check-off items to indicate the nature of the incident, including fighting or bullying at the bus stop, fighting or bullying on the bus, smoking on the bus, leaving the bus without permission, boarding the bus at the incorrect stop, showing disrespect toward the operator, committing an immoral or vicious act, throwing objects within the bus or out of bus windows or doors, refusing to occupy an assigned seat, using profane language, showing willful disobedience, defacing the bus, carrying objects or implements which can be used as weapons, or committing some other undesignated violation.

(ff) Space to provide specific remarks and comments concerning the incident and alleged discipline violation.

(gg) Space to indicate a pupil's prior history of discipline violations related to school transportation incidents.

(hh) A statement to be signed and dated by the bus operator or other school employee, if applicable, that the named pupil is causing a discipline problem, that disciplinary action against the pupil is recommended, and that the signatory desires to be informed of action taken on the incident report or the reasons for not taking action.

(ii) A space to report action taken on the incident report, including a menu of check off items to indicate that a parent or other person responsible for the pupil's school attendance has been contacted, that a conference has been conducted with the pupil's parent or other responsible person, that the pupil has been reprimanded, that the pupil has been suspended from receiving school transportation services and for what period of time, that the pupil has been suspended from school and for what period of time, or that some other action has been taken and an explanation of such action. The report on action taken shall be dated and signed by the school principal.

(jj) Space for comments and remarks by the pupil or a pupil's parent or other responsible person concerning the incident and action taken.

(kk) A menu of check off items to indicate that copies of the completed document have been supplied to the pupil's parent or other responsible person, the school's pupil file, the school employee filing the incident report, the supervisor of transportation services for the school system, and the principal.

(ll) Such other information as may be determined by the city or parish school board.

(ii) The form for reporting a nontransportation-related incident shall provide for the following information:

(aa) School name.

(bb) Name and telephone number of the pupil.

(cc) Indication of whether the pupil is in regular or special education and the pupil's homeroom number.

(dd) Time and location of the incident.

(ee) Space to provide specific remarks and comments concerning the incident and alleged discipline violation.

(ff) A menu of check off items indicating action taken by the teacher, including having a conference with the pupil, assigning remedial work, referring the pupil to a counselor, referring the pupil to a social worker, placing the pupil in detention, or taking other action with an explanation of such other action.

(gg) A menu of check off items indicating the type and date of contact with the pupil's parent or other person responsible for the pupil's school attendance, including by phone, by letter, by school conference, or by behavior reports.

(hh) A space for recommendations from the teacher or other school employee initiating the incident report.

(ii) A statement to be signed and dated by the teacher or other school employee initiating the incident report that the named pupil is causing a discipline problem, that disciplinary action against the pupil is recommended, and that the signatory desires to be informed of action taken on the incident report or the reasons for not taking action.

(jj) A space to report action taken on the incident report, including a menu of check off items to indicate contact with the pupil's parent or other responsible person, conduct of a conference with the pupil and the pupil's parent or other responsible person and a summary of conference proceedings, referral to a counselor, issuance of a reprimand, placement on detention, placement on probation, suspension, or that some other action has been taken and an explanation of such action. The report on action taken shall be dated and signed by the school principal.

(kk) Space for comments and remarks by the pupil or a pupil's parent or other responsible person concerning the incident and action taken.

(ll) A menu of check off items to indicate that copies of the completed document have been supplied to the pupil's parent or other responsible person, the school's pupil file, the teacher or other school employee filing the incident report, and the principal.

(mm) Such other information as may be determined by the city or parish school board.

(iii) The State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education shall develop the forms necessary to implement the provisions of this Subparagraph and such forms shall be used by each city and parish school board.

(b) Procedures implementing the provisions of R.S. 17:416.13 regarding bullying.

(c) A procedure requiring that, within a reasonable period of time, a principal shall review any such report and then act upon it as provided by this Section, or R.S. 17:416.13, or explain the reasons for failing to act to the local superintendent of schools or his designee and to the teacher, other school employee, student, parent, or legal guardian reporting the violation.

§17:416.13. Student code of conduct; requirement.

A. The governing authority of each public elementary and secondary school shall adopt a student code of conduct for the students in the schools under its jurisdiction. The code of conduct shall be in compliance with all existing rules, regulations, and policies of the local school governing authority and of the State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education and all state laws relative to student discipline and shall include any necessary disciplinary action to be taken against any student who violates the code of conduct.

The governing authority of each public elementary and secondary school shall adopt, and incorporate into the student code of conduct, a policy prohibiting the bullying of a student by another student, which includes the definition of bullying as provided in R.S. 17:416:14. This policy must be implemented in a manner that is ongoing throughout the school year and integrated with a school's curriculum, a school's discipline policies, and other violence prevention efforts.

§ 17:416.14. Bullying; definition; prohibition; notice; reporting; accountability

A. For the purposes of this Title, "bullying" shall mean:

(1) A pattern of any one or more of the following:

(a) Gestures, including but not limited to obscene gestures.

(b) Written, electronic, or verbal communications, including but not limited to calling names, threatening harm, taunting, malicious teasing, or spreading untrue rumors. Electronic communication includes but is not limited to a communication or image transmitted by email, instant message, text message, blog, or social networking website through the use of a telephone, mobile phone, pager, computer, or other electronic device.

(c) Physical acts, including but not limited to hitting, kicking, pushing, tripping, choking, damaging personal property, or unauthorized use of personal property.

(d) Repeatedly and purposefully shunning from activities.

(2)(a) Where the pattern of behavior as provided in Paragraph (1) of this Subsection is exhibited toward a student, more than once, by another student or group of students and occurs, or is received by, a student while on school property, at a school-sponsored or school-related function or activity, at any designated school bus stop, in any school bus or any other school or private vehicle used to transport students to and from school or any school-sponsored activity or event.

(b) The pattern of behavior as provided in Paragraph (1) of this Subsection shall have the effect of physically harming a student, placing the student in reasonable fear of physical harm, damaging a student's property, placing the student in reasonable fear of damage to the student's property, or shall be sufficiently severe, persistent, and pervasive enough to either create an intimidating or threatening educational environment, have the effect of substantially interfering with a student's performance in school, or have the effect of substantially disrupting the orderly operation of the school.

B. Each elementary and secondary school shall institute a program to prohibit and prevent bullying. The program shall:

(1) Define bullying as provided in Subsection A of this Section.

(2) Ensure each student, each student's parent or legal guardian, and each school administrator, teacher, counselor, bus operator, school employee, and volunteer is aware of his duties and responsibilities relative to preventing and stopping bullying.

(3) Provide for a process for reporting and investigating alleged incidents of bullying.

(4) Provide for appropriate discipline of a student found guilty of bullying.

(5) Provide for appropriate remedies for a student found to have been bullied.

(6) Provide for procedures for investigating and reporting each school administrator, teacher, counselor, bus operator, and school employee for failure to act as provided in Subsection I of this Section.

C. The governing authority of each public elementary and secondary school shall:

(1) Conduct a review of the student code of conduct required by this Section and amend the code as may be necessary to assure that the policy prohibiting the bullying of a student by another student specifically addresses the behavior constituting bullying, the effect the behavior has on others, including bystanders, and the disciplinary and criminal consequences, and includes the definition of bullying as provided in Subsection C of this Section.

(2) Create a program to provide a minimum of four hours of training for new employees who have contact with students and two hours of training each year for all school employees who have contact with students, including bus operators, with respect to bullying. The training shall specifically include the following:

(i) How to recognize the behaviors defined as bullying in Subsection C of this Section.

(ii) How to identify students at each grade level in the employee's school who are most likely to become victims of bullying, while not excluding any student from protection from bullying.

(iii) How to use appropriate intervention and remediation techniques and procedures.

(iv) The procedures by which incidents of bullying are to be reported to school officials.

(v) Information on suicide prevention, including the relationship between suicide risk factors and bullying. This content shall be based on information supported by peer-reviewed research conducted in compliance with accepted scientific methods and recognized as accurate by leading professional organizations and agencies with relevant experience.

D. The State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education, in collaboration with the state Department of Education, shall develop and adopt rules and regulations to implement the provisions of this Section relative to the procedures and processes to be used to report and investigate bullying and which shall include but not be limited to:

(1) Notice to Students and Parents.–The governing authority of each public elementary and secondary school shall inform each student, orally and in writing at the orientation required under R.S. 17:416.20, of the prohibition against bullying of a student by another student, the nature and consequences of such actions, including the potential criminal consequences and loss of driver's license as provided in R.S. 17:416.1, and the proper process and procedure for reporting any incidents involving such prohibited actions. A copy of the written notice shall also be delivered to each student's parent or legal guardian.

(2)(a) Reporting. –The governing authority of each public elementary and secondary school shall develop a procedure for the reporting of incidents of bullying. This shall include a form for the purposes of bullying reports. The form shall include an affirmation of truth of statement. Any bullying report submitted regardless of recipient shall use this form, but additional information may be provided. The form shall be available on the Department of Education's website and the website of each public elementary and secondary school.

(b) Students and parents. –Any student who believes that he has been, or is currently, the victim of bullying, or any student, or any parent or legal guardian, who witnesses bullying or has good reason to believe bullying is taking place, may report the situation to a school official. A student, or parent or legal guardian, may also report concerns regarding bullying to a teacher, counselor, other school employee, or to any chaperone supervising a school function or activity. Any report of bullying shall remain confidential.

(c) School personnel. –School personnel. Any teacher, counselor, bus operator, or other school employee, whether full- or part-time, and any chaperone supervising a school function or activity, who witnesses bullying or who learns of bullying pursuant to Subparagraph (b) of this Paragraph, shall report the incident to a school official. A verbal report shall be submitted by the school employee or the parent on the same day as the employee or parent witnessed or otherwise learned of the bullying incident, and a written report shall be filed no later than two days thereafter.

(d) Retaliation.–Retaliation against any person who reports bullying in good faith, who is thought to have reported bullying, who files a complaint, or who otherwise participates in an investigation or inquiry concerning allegations of bullying is prohibited conduct and subject to discipline. School and district resources shall not be used to prohibit or dissuade any person who meets the specifications of this Item.

(e) False Reports.–Intentionally making false reports about bullying to school officials is prohibited conduct and will result in the appropriate disciplinary measures as determined by the governing authority of the school in accordance with the rules and regulations of the State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education.

(3) Investigation Procedure.–The State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education shall develop and adopt a procedure for the investigation of reports of bullying of a student by another student. The procedure shall include the following:

(a) Scope of investigation. –An investigation shall include an interview of the reporter, the alleged victim, the alleged bully, and any witnesses, and shall include obtaining copies or photographs of any audio-visual evidence.

(b) Timing.–The school shall begin an investigation of any complaint that is properly reported and that alleges conduct prohibited in this Section the next business day during which school is in session after the report is received by the school official. The investigation shall be completed not later than ten school days after the date the written report of the incident is submitted to the appropriate school official. If additional information is received after the end of the ten-day period, the school principal or his designee shall amend all documents and reports required by this Section to reflect such information.

(c) Appeal.

(i) If the school official does not take timely and effective action pursuant to this Section, the student, parent or legal guardian, or school employee may report the bullying incident to the local school governing authority. The governing authority shall begin an investigation of any complaint that is properly reported and that alleges conduct prohibited in this Section the next business day during which school is in session after the report is received by a school board or governing authority official.

(ii) If the local school governing authority does not take timely and effective action, the student, parent or legal guardian, or other school employee may report the bullying incident to the state Department of Education. The department shall track the number of reports, shall notify in writing the superintendent and the president of the school's governing authority, and shall publish the number of reports by school district or governing authority on its website. The department shall provide both the number of actual reports received and the number of reports received by affected student.

(iii) For the purposes of this Section, a report means a written document that meets the requirements of Subparagraph (2)(a) of this Subsection.

(d) Parental Notification.

(i) Upon receiving a report of bullying, the school official shall notify the student's parent or legal guardian of each involved student according to the definition of notice created by the state Department of Education.

(ii) Under no circumstances shall the delivery of the notice to the parent or legal guardian, which is required by this Subsection, be the responsibility of an involved student. Delivery of the notice by an involved student shall not constitute notice as is required pursuant to this Subsection.

(iii) Before any student under the age of eighteen is interviewed, his parent or legal guardian shall be notified by the school official of the allegations made and shall have the opportunity to attend any interviews with his child conducted as part of the investigation. If, after three attempts in a forty-eight-hour period, the parents or legal guardians of a student cannot be reached or do not respond, the student may be interviewed.

(iv) The State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education, in collaboration with the state Department of Education, shall develop a procedure for meetings with the parent or legal guardian of the alleged victim and the parent or legal guardian of the alleged perpetrator. This procedure shall include:

(aa) Separate meetings with the parents or legal guardians of the alleged victim and the parents or legal guardians of the alleged perpetrator.

(bb) Notification of parents or legal guardians of the alleged victim and of the alleged perpetrator of the available potential consequences, penalties, and counseling options.

(cc) In any case where a teacher, principal, or other school employee is authorized in this Section to require the parent or legal guardian of a student who is under the age of eighteen and not judicially emancipated or emancipated by marriage to attend a conference or meeting regarding the student's behavior and, after notice, the parent, or legal guardian willfully refuses to attend, that the principal or his designee shall file a complaint with a court exercising juvenile jurisdiction, pursuant to Children's Code Article 730(8) and 731. The principal may file a complaint pursuant to Children's Code Article 730(1) or any other applicable ground when, in his judgment, doing so is in the best interests of the student.

(e) Disciplinary Action.–If the school has received a report of bullying, has determined that an act of bullying has occurred, and after meeting with the parent or legal guardian of the students involved, the school official shall:

(i) Take prompt and appropriate disciplinary action, pursuant against the student that the school official determines has engaged in conduct which constitutes bullying, if appropriate.

(ii) Report criminal conduct to law enforcement, if appropriate.

(f) Parental Relief.

(i) If a parent, legal guardian, teacher, or other school official has made four or more reports of separate instances of bullying, as provided in Paragraph (2) of this Subsection, and no investigation pursuant to Paragraph (3) of this Subsection has occurred, the parent or legal guardian with responsibility for decisions regarding the education of the alleged victim about whom the report or reports have been made may exercise an option to have the student enroll in or attend another school operated by the governing authority of the public elementary or secondary school in which the student was enrolled on the dates when at least three of the reports were submitted.

(ii) The parent or legal guardian shall file a request with the local school superintendent for the transfer of the student to another school under the governing authority's jurisdiction.

(iii) The governing authority of the public elementary or secondary school in which the student is enrolled shall make a seat available at another public elementary or secondary school under its jurisdiction within ten school days of the parent or legal guardian's request for a transfer. If the governing authority has no other school under its jurisdiction serving the grade level of the alleged victim, within fifteen school days of receiving the request, the superintendent or director of the governing authority shall:

(aa) Inform the student and his parent or legal guardian and facilitate the student's enrollment in a statewide virtual school.

(bb) Offer the student a placement in a full-time virtual program or virtual school under the jurisdiction of the school's governing authority.

(cc) Enter into a memorandum of understanding with the superintendent or director of another governing authority to secure a placement and provide for the transfer of the student to a school serving the grade level of the alleged victim under the jurisdiction of the cooperating governing authority, pursuant to R.S. 17:105 and 105.1.

(iv) If no seat or other placement pursuant to Item (iii) of this Subparagraph is made available within thirty calendar days of the receipt by the local school superintendent of the request, the parent or legal guardian may request a hearing with the school's governing authority, which shall be public or private at the option of the parent or legal guardian. The school's governing authority shall grant the hearing at the next scheduled meeting or within sixty calendar days, whichever is sooner.

(v) At the end of any school year, the parent or legal guardian may make a request to the governing authority of the school at which the student was enrolled when at least three of the reports were filed to transfer the student back to the school. The governing authority shall make a seat available at the school at which the student was originally enrolled. No other schools shall qualify for transfer under this Subparagraph.

(g) Documentation.

(i) The state Department of Education shall develop a behavior incidence checklist that the governing authority of each public elementary and secondary school shall use to document the details of each reported incident of bullying.

(ii) The governing authority of each public elementary and secondary school shall report all such documented incidences of bullying to the state Department of Education as prescribed in rules adopted by the State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act and documented incidents in reports received by the local superintendent of schools pursuant to R.S. 17:415.

(iii) After the investigation and meeting with the parents or legal guardians of each involved student, pursuant to this Section, a school, local school board or other local school governing authority shall:

(aa) Compose a written document containing the findings of the investigation, including input from the involved students' parents or legal guardian, and the decision by the school or school system official. The document shall be placed in the school records of each involved student.

(bb) Promptly notify the complainant of the findings of the investigation and that remedial action has been taken, if such release of information does not violate the law.

(cc) Keep complaints and investigative reports confidential, except as provided in this Section and where disclosure is required to be made pursuant to 20 U.S.C. 1232g or by other applicable federal laws, rules, or regulations or by state law.

(dd) Maintain complaints and investigative reports for three years in the event that disclosure is warranted by law enforcement officials.

(ee) As applicable, provide a copy of any reports and investigative documents to the governing authority of the school.

(ff) As applicable, provide a copy of any reports and investigative documents to the state Department of Education. Upon receipt, the department shall remove any reports related to the investigative documents from notation on the department's website, but shall maintain a record of those reports for three years.

(gg) As applicable, provide a copy of any reports and investigative documents to the appropriate law enforcement officials.

E. Parental Responsibilities.–Nothing herein shall be deemed to interfere with the authority and the responsibility that a parent or legal guardian has for the student at all times, but particularly when the student is not on the school premises, is not engaged in a school-sponsored function or school-sponsored activity, and is not being transported by school-sponsored means of transportation.

F. This Section shall not be interpreted to conflict with or supercede the provisions requiring mandatory reporting pursuant to Louisiana Children's Code Article 609 and as enforced through R.S. 14:403.

G. Preclusion.

(2) This Section shall not be interpreted to prevent a victim of bullying, or his parent or legal guardian, from seeking redress under any other available law, either civil or criminal.

(3) Nothing in this Section is intended to infringe upon the right of a school employee or student to exercise their right of free speech.

H.Construction; equal protection.–All students subject to the provisions of this Section shall be protected equally and without regard to the subject matter or the motivating animus of the bullying.

I. The State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education shall adopt rules to require all approved nonpublic schools to implement bullying policies to those required of public schools.

J. Failure to act. (1) Any teacher, counselor, bus operator, administrator, or other school employee, whether full- or part-time, who witnesses bullying or who receives a report of bullying from an alleged victim, and who fails to report the incident to a school official shall be investigated by the school governing authority. Upon finding a reasonable expectation that the individual failed to act, the school governing authority shall suspend the individual without pay. The length of the suspension shall be determined by thechooll's governing authority based on the severity of the bullying inflicted on the victim. The school governing authority shall report each finding of a failure to report and the length of suspension issued to each employee who failed to report to the state Department of Education.

(2) Any school administrator or official who fails to notify a parent or legal guardian of a report of bullying, timely investigate a report of bullying, take prompt and appropriate disciplinary action against a student that was determined to have engaged in bullying, or report criminal conduct to the appropriate law enforcement official shall be investigated by the school governing authority. Upon finding a reasonable expectation that the individual failed to act, the school governing authority shall suspend the individual without pay. The length of the suspension shall be determined by the school's governing authority based on the severity of the bullying inflicted on the victim. The school governing authority shall report each finding of a failure to report bullying and the length of suspension issued to the employee who failed to report to the department. The report shall be submitted by August first annually.

(3) The department shall provide a report to the state board on the number of reports of failures to report bullying received by the department from school governing authorities. The report shall be submitted by September first annually.

§17:416.21. Behavior of students with exceptionalities; use of seclusion and physical restraint.

J. A school employee who has placed a student in seclusion or who has physically restrained a student shall document and report each incident in accordance with the policies adopted by the school's governing authority. Such report shall be submitted to the school principal not later than the school day immediately following the day on which the student was placed in seclusion or physically restrained and a copy shall be provided to the student's parent or legal guardian. [...]

L. The documentation compiled for a student who has been placed in seclusion or has been physically restrained and whose challenging behavior continues or escalates shall be reviewed at least once every three weeks.

M. (1) The governing authority of each public elementary and secondary school shall adopt written guidelines and procedures regarding:

(a) Reporting requirements and follow-up procedures.

(b) Notification requirements for school officials and a student's parent or other legal guardian.

(c) An explanation of the methods of physical restraint and the school employee training requirements relative to the use of restraint.

(2)(a) These guidelines and procedures shall be provided to the state Department of Education, all school employees and every parent of a student with an exceptionality. The guidelines and procedures shall also be posted at each school and on each school system's website.

(b) The provisions of Subparagraph (a) of this Paragraph shall not be applicable to the parent of a student who has been deemed to be gifted or talented unless the student has been identified as also having a disability.

N. (1) The State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education shall adopt rules establishing guidelines and procedures for public school systems to follow regarding the reporting of incidents of seclusion and physical restraint, including specific data elements to be included in such reporting.

(2) The governing authority of each public elementary and secondary school, in accordance with state board policy, shall report all instances where seclusion or physical restraint is used to address student behavior to the state Department of Education.

(3)(a) The state Department of Education shall maintain a database of all reported incidents of seclusion and physical restraint of students with exceptionalities and shall disaggregate the data for analysis by school; student age, race, ethnicity, and gender; student disability, where applicable; and any involved school employees.

(b)(i) Based upon the data collected, the state Department of Education shall annually compile a comprehensive report regarding the use of seclusion and physical restraint of students with exceptionalities, which shall at a minimum include the following:

(aa) The number of incidents of physical restraint disaggregated by school system; student age, race, ethnicity, gender, and student disability classification.

(bb) The number of incidents of seclusion disaggregated by school system; student age, race, ethnicity, gender, and student disability classification.

(cc) A list of the school systems and charter schools that have complied with the reporting requirements pursuant to Paragraph (2) of this Subsection.

(ii) The state Department of Education shall post the annual report on its website and submit a written copy to the Senate and House committees on education and the Advisory Council on Student Behavior and Discipline established pursuant to R.S. 17:253.


LAC 28:CXV.1301. Disciplinary regulations.

A. Each LEA shall adopt such rules and regulations as it deems necessary to implement and control any disorderly conduct in the school or on the playground of the school, on any school bus, on the street or road while going to and from school, or during intermission and recess, or at any school sponsored activity or function.

1. The plan shall not prohibit a teacher from removing a pupil from the classroom for disciplinary reasons.

2. Each LEA shall adopt rules regarding the reporting and review of disciplinary actions.

B. Teachers, principals, and administrators may, subject to any rules as may be adopted by the LEA, apply reasonable disciplinary and corrective measures to maintain order in the schools (refer to R.S. 17:416 and R.S. 17:223).

C. The disciplinary rules (regulations) shall be made known to teachers, parents, and students and shall be reasonably and consistently enforced.

D. Any principal who fails to act on a report of student violations of disciplinary regulations shall explain his/her reasons for such an action to the superintendent of the LEA by which he or she is employed, or to the superintendent's designee.

E. Students, who, through no fault of their parents or guardians or other persons having charge of them, regularly disrupt the orderly processes of the school to which they have been assigned, shall be considered as delinquents and may be reported by the visiting teacher or supervisor of child welfare and attendance, to the district or family court of the parish having jurisdiction in juvenile matters, there to be dealt with in the manner prescribed by law.

F. Schools shall provide due process prior to suspensions and expulsions.

G. Students who are removed from the classroom for disruptive, dangerous, or unruly behavior or who are suspended for 10 days or less shall be assigned school work missed and shall receive either full or partial credit for such work if it is completed satisfactorily and timely as determined by the principal or designee, upon the recommendation of the student's teacher. A student who is suspended for more than 10 days or is expelled and receives educational services in an alternative school site, shall be assigned school work by a certified teacher and shall receive credit for school work if it is completed satisfactorily and timely as determined by the teacher. Such work shall be aligned with the curriculum used at the school from which the student was suspended or expelled.

H. Each local educational governing authority LEA shall adopt rules regarding the implementation of in-school suspension and detention.

I. Each LEA shall establish a discipline policy review committee comprised of sixteen members in accordance with the mandates of R.S. 17:416.8. The LEA shall establish procedures for appointing the two parent members.

LAC 28:CXV.1303. Bullying.

D. Notice of Bullying Policy to students and parents. The LEA shall inform each student orally and in writing of the prohibition against the bullying of a student by another student, the nature and consequences of such actions, including the potential criminal consequences and loss of driver's license, and the proper process and procedure for reporting any incidents of bullying. A copy of the written notice shall also be delivered to each student's parent or legal guardian.

E. Reporting Incidents of Bullying. The LEA shall develop a procedure for the reporting of incidents of bullying using the bullying report form approved by BESE and available on the DOE website. The procedure shall include the following.

1. Students and Parents

a. Any student who believes that he or she is or has been the victim of bullying, or any student or parent or legal guardian, who witnesses bullying or has good reason to believe bullying is taking place, may report the bullying to a school official.

b. A student, or parent or guardian, may also report concerns regarding bullying to a teacher, counselor, other school employee, or to any parent chaperoning or supervising a school function or activity.

c. Any report of bullying shall remain confidential.

2. School Personnel and Chaperones. Any teacher, counselor, bus driver, or other school employee, whether full or part time, and any parent chaperoning or supervising a school function or activity, who witnesses or who learns of bullying of a student, shall report the incident to a school official. A verbal report shall be submitted by the school employee or parent on the same day as the school employee or parent witnessed or otherwise learned of the bullying incident, and a written report must be filed no later than two days thereafter.

3. Retaliation. Retaliation against any person who reports bullying in good faith, who is thought to have reported bullying, who files a complaint, or who otherwise participates in an investigation or inquiry concerning allegations of bullying is prohibited conduct and subject to disciplinary action.

4. False Reports. Making false reports about bullying to school officials is prohibited conduct and will result in disciplinary action.

F. Investigation Procedure. When a report of the bullying of a student by another student is received, the school shall conduct an investigation using the following procedure. [...]

4. Documentation. At the conclusion of a bullying investigation, and after meeting with the parents or legal guardians, the school official or school board shall:

a. prepare a written report containing the findings of the investigation, including input from students' parents or legal guardians, and the decision by the school official or school system official. The document shall be placed in the school records of both students. If completed entirely, the bullying investigation form may serve as the report;

b. promptly notify the reporter/complainant of the findings of the investigation and whether remedial action has been taken, if such release of information does not violate the law;

c. keep reports/complaints and investigative reports confidential, except where disclosure is required by law;

d. maintain reports/complaints and investigative reports for three years;

e. provide a copy of any reports and investigative documents to the LEA, as necessary.

5. Disciplinary Action. If the school official has determined bullying has occurred, and after meeting with the parents or legal guardians of the students involved, the school official shall take prompt and appropriate disciplinary action against the offender and report criminal conduct to law enforcement, if appropriate.

6. LEA Reporting

a. The LEA shall electronically report all such documented incidences of bullying to the DOE using the DOE behavior report and incidence checklist to document the details of each reported incident of bullying.

7. Appeal

a. If the school official does not take timely and effective action, the student, parent, or school employee may report the bullying incident to the school board. The school board shall begin an investigation of any properly reported complaint of bullying no later than the next school day after the board receives the report.

b. If the school board does not take timely and effective action, the student, parent, or other school employee may report the bullying incident to the DOE. The DOE shall track the number of reports, shall notify the superintendent and the president of the LEA, and shall publish the number of reports by school district on its website.

American Institutes for Research

U.S. Department of Education

The contents of the National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments Web site were assembled under contracts from the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Safe and Supportive Schools to the American Institutes for Research (AIR), Contract Number  91990021A0020.

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