Louisiana School Discipline Laws & Regulations: Grounds for Suspension or Expulsion

Discipline Compendium

Louisiana School Discipline Laws & Regulations: Grounds for Suspension or Expulsion

Category: Exclusionary Discipline: Suspension, Expulsion, and Alternative Placement
Subcategory: Grounds for Suspension or Expulsion
State: Louisiana

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§17:223. Discipline of pupils; suspension from school.

A. Every teacher is authorized to hold every pupil to a strict accountability for any disorderly conduct in school or on the playground of the school, or on any school bus going to or returning from school, or during intermission or recess. Each parish and city school board shall have discretion in the use of corporal punishment. In those cases in which a parish or city school board decides to use corporal punishment, each parish or city school board shall adopt such rules and regulations as it deems necessary to implement and control any form of corporal punishment in the schools in its district.

B. School principals may suspend from school any pupil for good cause, as stated in R.S. 17:416. Principals shall notify the visiting teacher or supervisor of child welfare and attendance of all suspensions. In all cases of suspensions, the parent, the superintendent of schools, and the visiting teacher or supervisor of child welfare and attendance shall be notified in writing of the facts concerning each suspension, including reasons therefor and terms thereof.

§17:224. Unadjustable or incorrigible children; reports to juvenile courts; expulsion, assignments, and transfers.

A. Unadjustable or incorrigible children, who, through no fault of their parents or tutors or other persons having charge of them, regularly disrupt the orderly processes of the school to which they have been assigned, shall be considered as delinquents and may be reported by the visiting teacher, or supervisor of child welfare and attendance, to the juvenile court of the parish, there to be dealt with in the manner prescribed by law.

B. Notwithstanding the provisions of R.S. 17:416 to the contrary, any student who exhibits disruptive behavior, an incorrigible attitude, or any other discipline problems in general, may be recommended by the principal for expulsion, assignment to an appropriate alternative education program, or transfer to adult education if such student is:

(1) Seventeen years of age or older with less than five units of credit toward graduation.

(2) Eighteen years of age or older with less than ten units of credit toward graduation.

(3) Nineteen years of age or older with less than fifteen units of credit toward graduation.

§17:416. Discipline of students; suspension; expulsion.

A.(1)(b)(i) Prior to any suspension, the school principal, or his designee, shall advise the pupil in question of the particular misconduct of which he is accused as well as the basis for such accusation, and the pupil shall be given an opportunity at that time to explain his version of the facts to the school principal or his designee. In each case of suspension or expulsion the school principal, or his designee, shall contact by telephone at the telephone number shown on the pupil's registration card or send a certified letter at the address shown on the pupil's registration card to the parent, tutor, or legal guardian of the pupil in question giving notice of the suspension or expulsion, the reasons therefor and establishing a date and time for a conference with the principal or his designee as a requirement for readmitting the pupil provided that in the case of expulsion, the contact with the parent or guardian shall include a certified letter. If the parent, tutor, or legal guardian fails to attend the required conference within five school days of mailing the certified letter or other contact with the parent, the truancy laws shall become effective. On not more than one occasion each school year when the parent, tutor, or legal guardian refuses to respond, the principal may determine whether readmitting the pupil is in the best interest of the student. On any subsequent occasions in the same year, the pupil shall not be readmitted unless the parent, tutor, legal guardian, court, or other appointed representative responds. A pupil whose presence in or about a school poses a continued danger to any person or property or an ongoing threat of disruption to the academic process shall be immediately removed from the school premises without the benefit of the procedure described hereinabove; however, the necessary procedure shall follow as soon as is practicable.

(ii)(aa) In any case where a teacher, principal, or other school employee is authorized in this Section to require the parent, tutor, or legal guardian of a pupil who is under the age of eighteen and not judicially emancipated or emancipated by marriage to attend a conference or meeting regarding the pupil's behavior and, after notice, the parent, tutor, or legal guardian willfully refuses to attend, the principal or his designee, shall file a complaint with a court exercising juvenile jurisdiction, pursuant to Children's Code Article 730(8) and 731. The principal may file a complaint pursuant to Children's Code Article 730(1) or any other applicable ground when, in his judgment, doing so is in the best interests of the pupil.

(bb) The principal, assistant principal, or child attendance and welfare supervisor or his assistant of any school, public or nonpublic, shall be a representative of an agency having the responsibility or ability to supply services to a family as that phrase is used in Children's Code Article 731(A).

(c) Any parent, tutor or legal guardian of a pupil suspended shall have the right to appeal to the city or parish superintendent of schools or his designee, who shall conduct a hearing on the merits. The decision of the superintendent of schools on the merits of the case, as well as the term of suspension, shall be final, reserving to the superintendent of schools the right to remit any portion of the time of suspension.

(d) A pupil suspended for damages to any property belonging to the school system or to property contracted to the school system shall not be readmitted until payment in full has been made for such damage or until directed by the superintendent of schools. If the property damaged is a school bus owned by, contracted to, or jointly owned by any parish or city school board, a pupil suspended for such damage shall not be permitted to enter or ride any school bus until payment in full has been made for such damage or until directed by the superintendent of schools.

(e) A pupil who is suspended for ten days or fewer shall be assigned school work missed while he is suspended and shall receive either partial or full credit for such work if it is completed satisfactorily and timely as determined by the principal or his designee, upon the recommendation of the pupil's teacher. A pupil who is suspended for more than ten days, or is expelled and receives educational services at an alternative school site, shall be assigned work by a certified teacher and shall receive credit for school work if it is completed satisfactorily and timely as determined by the teacher. Such work shall be aligned with the curriculum used at the school from which the pupil was suspended or expelled.

(f) When a pupil is suspended for a second time within one school year, the principal may require that a counseling session be held with the parent and pupil by the school counselor if a counselor is assigned or available to that school. In the event there is no school counselor available, the principal may require a conference between the parent, pupil, and all the pupil's teachers and the principal or other administrator.


LAC 28:CXV.1305. Reasons for suspension (Formerly §1303).

A. School principals may suspend from school any student, including an exceptional student, for good cause in accordance with state law and local policy.

B. Students determined to be guilty of the following offenses may be suspended for the following reasons:

1. willful disobedience;

2. disrespect to a teacher, principal, superintendent, and/or member or employee of the local school board;

3. making an unfounded charge against a teacher, principal, superintendent, and/or member or employee of the local school board;

4. using unchaste or profane language;

5. immoral or vicious practices;

6. conduct or habits injurious to his/her associates;

7. using tobacco and/or using and possessing alcoholic beverages or any controlled dangerous substances governed by the Uniformed Controlled Dangerous Substance Law in any form in school buildings or on school grounds;

8. disturbing the school and habitually violating the rules;

9. cutting, defacing, or injuring any part of public school buildings;

10. writing profane or obscene language or drawing obscene pictures in or on any public school premises, or on any fence, sidewalk, or building on the way to or from school;

11. possessing firearms, knives, or other implements that can be used as weapons;

12. throwing missiles on the school grounds;

13. instigating or participating in fights while under school supervision;

14. violating traffic and safety regulations;

15. leaving the school premises without permission or his/her classroom or detention room without permission;

16. habitual tardiness or absenteeism; and

17. committing any other serious offense.

LAC 28:CXV.1307. Reasons for expulsions.

A. Students may be expelled for any of the following reasons:

1. any student, after being suspended for committing any of the offenses listed in § 1305., may be expelled upon recommendation by the principal of the public school in which the student is enrolled;

2. any student, after being suspended on three occasions for committing drugs or weapons offenses during the same school session, shall, on committing the fourth offense, be expelled from all the public schools of the parish or city school system wherein he or she resides until the beginning of the next regular school year, subject to the review and approval of the local educational governing authority;

3. the conviction of any student of a felony or the incarceration of any student in a juvenile institution for an act which, had it been committed by an adult, would have constituted a felony, may be cause for expulsion of the student for a period of time as determined by the board; such expulsions shall require the vote of two thirds of the elected members of the local educational governing authority;

4. any student found guilty of being in possession of a firearm on school property or on a school bus or at a school sponsored event shall be expelled from school according to the requirements of R.S. 17:416(C)(2);

5. any student in grades six and up found guilty of being in possession of any illegal narcotic, drug, or other controlled substance on school property, on a school bus, or at a school event shall be expelled from school according to the requirements of R.S. 17:416(C)(2).

6. any student older than eleven and in grades six and up, carrying or possessing a knife the blade of which equals or exceeds two inches in length.

B. School officials shall have total discretion and shall exercise such discretion in imposing on a pupil any disciplinary actions authorized by this Section for possession by a student of a firearm or knife on school property when such firearm or knife is stored in a motor vehicle and there is no evidence of the student's intent to use the firearm or knife in a criminal manner.

C. Expulsion is not mandatory for a student carrying or possessing a firearm or knife for purposes of involvement in a school class or course or school-approved cocurricular or extracurricular activity or any other activity approved by the appropriate school officials or for a student possessing any controlled dangerous substance governed by the uniform controlled dangerous substances law that has been obtained directly or pursuant to a valid prescription or order from a licensed physician. However, such student shall carry evidence of that prescription or physician's order on his person at all times when in possession of any controlled dangerous substance which shall be subject to verification.

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U.S. Department of Education

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