Louisiana School Discipline Laws & Regulations: Multi-tiered Frameworks and Systems of Support

Discipline Compendium

Louisiana School Discipline Laws & Regulations: Multi-tiered Frameworks and Systems of Support

Category: Prevention, Behavioral Interventions, and Supports
Subcategory: Multi-tiered Frameworks and Systems of Support
State: Louisiana

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§17:252. School master plans for supporting student behavior and discipline.

A. (1) The State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education, in collaboration with the Louisiana Juvenile Justice Planning and Coordination Board, shall formulate, develop, and recommend to the Juvenile Justice Reform Act Implementation Commission by March 1, 2004, a model master plan for improving behavior and discipline within schools.

(2) The model master plan may include but need not be limited to guidelines for accomplishing the following:

(g) Improving classroom management using positive behavioral supports and other effective disciplinary tools. [...]

D. (1) The school master plans required of city, parish, and other local public school boards by this Section shall make provision for pre-service and ongoing grade appropriate classroom management training for teachers, principals, and other appropriate school personnel regarding positive behavioral supports and reinforcement, conflict resolution, mediation, cultural competence, restorative practices, guidance and discipline, and adolescent development.

§17:416.2. Supervision of suspended or expelled students; alternative education programs.

(3) Rules and regulations pursuant to Paragraph (2) of this Subsection shall include all of the following:

(a) Such services shall be provided to the school governing authority at the actual costs incurred by the provider, not to exceed for each student the pro rata share of the combined state and local per pupil amount of the minimum foundation program for such governing authority.

(b) In an effort to support the on-time graduation of students who are suspended, expelled, or at high risk for dropping out or entry into the juvenile justice system, academic, behavioral, and mental health interventions must be provided. Interventions offered shall include but not be limited to the following:

(ii) Behavioral interventions and supports:

(aa) Positive behavioral supports with a high ratio of positive reinforcement over punishment.


LAC 28:CI.105. Pupil Appraisal Services.

A. Pupil appraisal services comprise an integral part of the total instructional program of the LEA. The purpose of pupil appraisal services is to assist students who have academic, behavioral, and/or communication challenges, adjustment difficulties, or other special needs which are adversely impacting the student's educational performance by providing services to students, parents, teachers, and other school personnel. These services include, but are not limited to the examples provided below:

1. assistance to teachers and other school personnel in the development and implementation of behavioral and/or instructional interventions through a district's Response to Intervention (RTI) process, positive behavior support process, or other intervention processes.

LAC 28:CI.301. Response to intervention.

A. The Response to Intervention (RTI) process is a three-tiered approach to providing services and interventions to struggling learners and/or students with challenging behaviors at increasing levels of intensity. Essential components of the process include three tiers of instruction and intervention, use of standard protocols and/or problem-solving methods, and an integrated data collection/assessment system to inform decisions at each tier of instruction/intervention. The process incorporates increasing intensities of instruction and/or intervention that are provided to students in direct proportion to their individual needs. Embedded in each tier is a set of unique support structures or activities that help teachers implement, with fidelity, research-based curricula, instructional practices, and interventions designed to improve student achievement. RTI is designed for use when making decisions in both general and special education, creating a well-integrated system of instruction and intervention guided by student outcome data.

LAC 28:CI.1511. School psychological services.

A. Definition. School Psychological Services include but are not limited to:

6. assisting in developing positive behavioral intervention strategies.

LAC 28:CI.1513. School social work services.

A. Definition. Social Work Services in schools include but are not limited to:

5. assisting in developing positive behavioral intervention strategies to address behaviors of concern that will enhance the student's ability to benefit from his or her educational experience.

LAC 28:CXV.337. Written Policies and Procedures.

A. Each LEA shall have written policies governing all school activities as they relate to students, the instructional program, staff, buildings, services, and the curriculum.

B. Each LEA shall have policies and procedures that address, but are not limited to, the following:

24. grade appropriate classroom management training for teachers, principals, and other appropriated school personnel regarding positive behavioral supports and reinforcement, conflict resolution, mediation, cultural competence, restorative practices, guidance and discipline, and adolescent development.

LAC 28:CXLIX.501. Safety and Counseling.

A. School systems operating an alternative school or program must address the root cause of the behavioral misconduct while a student is educated at the alternative education school or program site, utilizing evidence based interventions and strategies.

1. An approved alternative education site must:

a. provide clear expectations for learning and student conduct using a multi-tier system of support (MTSS) framework that includes use of any evidence-based behavioral intervention including, but not limited to:

i. positive behavior interventions and supports;

ii. restorative practices; or

iii. trauma-informed response; and

b. detail, through the authorization process and an annual report, the full list of evidence-based interventions used to address student behavior. Each intervention or strategy will be aligned to one of the three tiers within an MTSS.

LAC 28:CXV.1304. Classroom Management Training for School Staff [Formerly §1302].

A. The school master plans for improving behavior and discipline required of LEAs shall make provision for pre-service and ongoing grade-appropriate classroom management training for teachers, principals, and other appropriate school personnel regarding positive behavioral supports and reinforcement, conflict resolution, mediation, cultural competence, restorative practices, guidance and discipline, and adolescent development.

B. LEAs shall provide ongoing classroom management courses and regularly review discipline data from each school to determine what additional classroom management training is needed, if any, and what additional classroom support activities should be provided by the principal and school administration.

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U.S. Department of Education

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