Louisiana School Discipline Laws & Regulations: Parental Notification

Discipline Compendium

Louisiana School Discipline Laws & Regulations: Parental Notification

Category: Monitoring and Accountability
Subcategory: Parental Notification
State: Louisiana

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§14:403.1. Substance abuse in schools; definitions; confidential reports; immunity; penalty.

C. (1) Any person having reasonable cause to believe that a student possesses a controlled dangerous substance or an alcoholic beverage on a school campus, under circumstances other than those described in Paragraph (2) of this Subsection, shall report such fact to the principal of the school or to the chairman of the Substance Abuse Prevention Team on a report form prepared by the Department of Education or on a substantially similar form. If the report is to the principal, the principal immediately shall forward it to the chairman of the team.

The team shall discuss the circumstances of the report with the student reported without disclosing the name of the reporting person and shall also meet with the parents of the student reported. The team shall thereafter report to the principal of the school and make recommendations for treatment, counselling, or other appropriate action.

§14:95.2. Carrying a firearm or dangerous weapon by a student or nonstudent on school property, at school-sponsored functions, or in a firearm-free zone.

F. (1) School officials shall notify all students and parents of the impact of this legislation and shall post notices of the impact of this Section at each major point of entry to the school. These notices shall be maintained as permanent notices.

(2)(a) If a student is detained by the principal or other school official for violation of this Section or the school principal or other school official confiscates or seizes a firearm or concealed weapon from a student while upon school property, at a school function, or on a school bus, the principal or other school official in charge at the time of the detention or seizure shall immediately report the detention or seizure to the police department or sheriff's department where the school is located and shall deliver any firearm or weapon seized to that agency.

(b) The confiscated weapon shall be disposed of or destroyed as provided by law.

(3) If a student is detained pursuant to Paragraph (2) of this Subsection for carrying a concealed weapon on campus, the principal shall immediately notify the student's parents.

(4) If a person is arrested for carrying a concealed weapon on campus by a university or college police officer, the weapon shall be given to the sheriff, chief of police, or other officer to whom custody of the arrested person is transferred as provided by R.S. 17:1805(B).

§17:221. School attendance; compulsory ages; duty of parents; excessive absences; condition for driving privileges.

D. Each school shall develop and implement a system whereby the school shall attempt to provide verbal notification and, if such verbal notification cannot be provided, then shall provide written notification to a child's parent, tutor, or legal guardian when that child has been absent from school for five school days in schools operating on a semester basis, and for ten days in schools not operating on a semester basis.

§17:223. Discipline of pupils; suspension from school.

A. Every teacher is authorized to hold every pupil to a strict accountability for any disorderly conduct in school or on the playground of the school, or on any school bus going to or returning from school, or during intermission or recess. Each parish and city school board shall have discretion in the use of corporal punishment. In those cases in which a parish or city school board decides to use corporal punishment, each parish or city school board shall adopt such rules and regulations as it deems necessary to implement and control any form of corporal punishment in the schools in its district.

B. School principals may suspend from school any pupil for good cause, as stated in R.S. 17:416. Principals shall notify the visiting teacher or supervisor of child welfare and attendance of all suspensions. In all cases of suspensions, the parent, the superintendent of schools, and the visiting teacher or supervisor of child welfare and attendance shall be notified in writing of the facts concerning each suspension, including reasons therefor and terms thereof.

§17:223.1. In-school suspension pilot projects.

A. Prior to the beginning of the 1985-1986 school year, the Department of Education, hereafter referred to as "the department", shall invite each public school system in the state to submit to the department a proposal for a pilot project for in-school suspension of students in the public elementary and secondary schools operated by those school systems.

B. The department shall consider and evaluate each proposal and recommend for approval by the State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education, hereafter referred to as the board, from among those submitted and deemed eligible pursuant to Subsection C of this Section, the maximum number of projects which can be funded by monies appropriated for this purpose. The board shall approve the projects to be funded. In making recommendations to the board for approval of projects for funding, the department shall evaluate each proposal on each of the following elements:

(1) The probable educational value. For evaluation of this element, project applicants shall submit and the department shall review the statistical history of out-of-school suspensions from the schools in which the program is proposed to be piloted for the 1985-1986 school year.

(2) The probable effectiveness of the project as an alternative to suspensions from school.

(3) The probable cost effectiveness of the use of the funds.

(4) The potential for improving the attendance of students and the education provided to students if the project were to be implemented on a statewide basis.

C. To be eligible for selection for funding as provided in this Section, any project proposal shall contain at a minimum:

(1) A statement of the needs the project intends to address.

(2) A statement of anticipated results and the basis upon which results are expected.

(3) A specific outline of implemental steps.

(4) A detailed plan for staff usage.

(5) A detailed budget for expending the monies granted.

(6) A detailed explanation of and plan for evaluation of the project results.

(7) A parental involvement component which requires the principal or his designee to personally contact the parents prior to in-school or out-of-school suspension or expulsion of a child unless the child presents imminent danger to the school environment. This component shall also require the principal, after contacting parents or parent, to conduct a conference with the parent, the teacher if the teacher's presence is deemed necessary by the principal, and student when a child is suspended for any of the following: fighting students or faculty, disrespect for authority, disturbance in classroom or campus, cutting class, leaving campus, excess tardiness and absence, habitual violation of school rules, profane or obscene language, smoking, threatening students, stealing, possession of weapon, possession of drugs, vandalism, possession of or shooting of fireworks, or gambling.

D. Any school system whose pilot project is selected for funding shall receive, through the department from monies appropriated for the purpose, the funds requested in the proposal to implement the project during the 1985-1986 school year.

E. Each school system awarded monies under this Section shall implement its project during the 1985-1986 school year. The pilot program may be implemented in no more than one school per selected school system; which school system may expend a maximum of thirty-five thousand dollars on the project. Before July 1st, 1986, the school system shall provide to the department a thorough written review of the project, including documentation of how the monies awarded under this Section were spent, the results of the project, and the recommendations of the school system with regard to the project. Each school system shall return to the department any of the money awarded pursuant to this Section that is unexpended and shall reimburse the department for any undocumented expenditure of funds received under this Section.

§17:416. Discipline of students; suspension; expulsion.

A. (4) The governing authority of each public elementary and secondary school shall adopt such rules and regulations as it deems necessary to implement the provisions of this Subsection and of R.S. 17:416.13. Such rules and regulations shall include but not be limited to the following provisions:

(a) A procedure permitting any teacher or other school employee to report any violation of the provisions of this Subsection to the appropriate school principal. The procedure shall provide for the uniform use throughout the school system of two forms to report incidents of alleged discipline violations. One form shall be used to report only school transportation-related incidents and one form shall be used to report all other incidents.

(i) The form for reporting a transportation-related incident shall provide for the following information:

(ii) A space to report action taken on the incident report, including a menu of check off items to indicate that a parent or other person responsible for the pupil's school attendance has been contacted, that a conference has been conducted with the pupil's parent or other responsible person, that the pupil has been reprimanded, that the pupil has been suspended from receiving school transportation services and for what period of time, that the pupil has been suspended from school and for what period of time, or that some other action has been taken and an explanation of such action. The report on action taken shall be dated and signed by the school principal.

(jj) Space for comments and remarks by the pupil or a pupil's parent or other responsible person concerning the incident and action taken.

(kk) A menu of check off items to indicate that copies of the completed document have been supplied to the pupil's parent or other responsible person, the school's pupil file, the school employee filing the incident report, the supervisor of transportation services for the school system, and the principal.

§17:416.13. Student code of conduct; requirement.

D.(3)(d) Parental Notification.

(i) Upon receiving a report of bullying, the school official shall notify the parent or legal guardian of each involved student according to the definition of notice created by the state Department of Education.

(ii) Under no circumstances shall the delivery of the notice to the parent or legal guardian, which is required by this Subsection, be the responsibility of an involved student. Delivery of the notice by an involved student shall not constitute notice as is required pursuant to this Subsection.

(iii) Before any student under the age of eighteen is interviewed, his parent or legal guardian shall be notified by the school official of the allegations made and shall have the opportunity to attend any interviews with his child conducted as part of the investigation. If, after three attempts in a forty-eight-hour period, the parents or legal guardians of a student cannot be reached or do not respond, the student may be interviewed.

(iv) The State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education, in collaboration with the state Department of Education, shall develop a procedure for meetings with the parent or legal guardian of the alleged victim and the parent or legal guardian of the alleged perpetrator. This procedure shall include:

(aa) Separate meetings with the parents or legal guardians of the alleged victim and the parents or legal guardians of the alleged perpetrator.

(bb) Notification of parents or legal guardians of the alleged victim and of the alleged perpetrator of the available potential consequences, penalties, and counseling options.

(cc) In any case where a teacher, principal, or other school employee is authorized in this Section to require the parent or legal guardian of a student who is under the age of eighteen and not judicially emancipated or emancipated by marriage to attend a conference or meeting regarding the student's behavior and, after notice, the parent, tutor, or legal guardian willfully refuses to attend, that the principal or his designee shall file a complaint with a court exercising juvenile jurisdiction, pursuant to Children's Code Article 730(8) and 731. The principal may file a complaint pursuant to Children's Code Article 730(1) or any other applicable ground when, in his judgment, doing so is in the best interests of the student.

§17:416.21. Behavior of students with exceptionalities; use of seclusion and physical restraint.

I. (1) The parent or other legal guardian of a student who has been placed in seclusion or physically restrained shall be notified as soon as possible. The student's parent or other legal guardian shall also be notified in writing, within twenty-four hours, of each incident of seclusion or physical restraint. Such notice shall include the reason for such seclusion or physical restraint, the procedures used, the length of time of the student's seclusion or physical restraint, and the names and titles of any school employee involved. [...]

M. (1) The governing authority of each public elementary and secondary school shall adopt written guidelines and procedures regarding:

(b) Notification requirements for school officials and a student's parent or other legal guardian.


LAC 28:CXV.1303. Bullying.

F. Investigation Procedure. When a report of the bullying of a student by another student is received, the school shall conduct an investigation using the following procedure.

2. Parental Notification of Allegation of Bullying

a. Upon receiving a report of bullying, the school shall notify the parents or legal guardians of the alleged offender and the alleged victim no later than the following school day.

b. Under no circumstances shall the delivery of this notice to the parent or legal guardian, be the responsibility of an involved student. Delivery of notice by an involved student shall not constitute notice as is required by this Section.

c. Before any student under the age of 18 is interviewed, his parents or legal guardians shall be notified of the allegations made and shall have the opportunity to attend any interviews conducted with their child as part of the investigation. If, after three attempts in a 48-hour period, the parents or legal guardians of a student cannot be reached or do not respond, the student may be interviewed.

d. All meetings with the parents or legal guardians of an alleged victim or an alleged offender shall be in compliance with the following:

i. separate meetings with the parents or legal guardians of the alleged victim and the alleged offender;

ii. parents or legal guardians of the alleged victim and alleged offender must be notified of the potential consequences, penalties and counseling options.

e. In any case where a school official is authorized to require a parent or legal guardian of a student under the age of 18 to attend a conference or meeting regarding the student's behavior, and after notice willfully refuses to attend, the principal or designee shall file a complaint with a court of competent juvenile jurisdiction, pursuant to Children's Code article 730(8) and 731.

f. A principal or designee may file a complaint pursuant to Children's Code article 730(1) or any other applicable ground when, in his judgment, doing so is in the best interests of the student.

LAC 28:CXV.1306. Due process for suspensions (Formerly §1305).

A. Prior to any suspension, the school principal or the principal's designee shall advise the student in question of the particular misconduct of which he or she is accused as well as the basis for such accusation, and the student shall be given an opportunity at that time to explain his or her version of the facts to the school principal or his or her designee.

B. The principal, or the principal's designee, shall contact by telephone at the telephone number shown on the pupil's registration card or send a certified letter at the address shown on the pupil's registration card to the parent or guardian of the student, giving notice of the suspension, the reasons therefore and establishing a date and time for a conference with the principal or his designee as a requirement for readmitting the student.

1. If the parent or guardian fails to attend the required conference within five school days of mailing the certified letter or other contact with the parent, the truancy laws shall become effective.

2. On not more than one occasion each school year when the parent or guardian refuses to respond, the principal may determine whether readmitting the student is in the best interest of the student.

3. On any subsequent occasions in the same year, the student shall not be readmitted unless the parent, guardian, or other appointed representative responds.

C. A student whose presence in or about a school poses a continued danger to any person or property or an ongoing threat of disruption to the academic process shall be immediately removed from the school premises without the benefit of the procedure described above; however, the necessary procedure shall follow as soon as is practicable.

D. Notice in writing of the suspension and the reasons thereof shall be given to the parent or parents of the suspended student.

E. Any parent, tutor, or legal guardian of a suspended student shall have the right to appeal to the superintendent or to a designee of the superintendent, who shall conduct a hearing on the merits of the case.

F. In all cases of suspensions, the parent, the superintendent of schools, and/or supervisor of child welfare and attendance or designee shall be notified in writing of the facts concerning each suspension, including the reasons therefore and terms thereof.

G. The decision of the superintendent on the merit of the case, as well as the term of suspension, shall be final, reserving the right to the superintendent to remit any portion of the time of suspension.

American Institutes for Research

U.S. Department of Education

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