Louisiana School Discipline Laws & Regulations: Restraint and Seclusion

Discipline Compendium

Louisiana School Discipline Laws & Regulations: Restraint and Seclusion

Category: Conditions on Use of Certain Forms of Discipline
Subcategory: Restraint and Seclusion
State: Louisiana

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§17:7. Duties, functions, and responsibilities of board.

In addition to the authorities granted by R.S. 17:6 and any powers, duties, and responsibilities vested by any other applicable laws, the board shall:

(5)(a) Approve courses of study and prepare and adopt rules and regulations for the discipline of students and the governance of the public elementary and secondary schools and other public schools and programs under its jurisdiction, which shall not be inconsistent with law and which shall be enforced by the city, parish, and other local public school boards and the local school superintendents; however, the board shall have no control over the business affairs of a city, parish, or other local public school board or the selection or removal of its officers and employees.

(b)(i) Prepare and adopt rules and guidelines for the appropriate use of seclusion, physical restraint, and mechanical restraint of students with exceptionalities as defined in R.S. 17:1942, in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act.

(ii) The rules and guidelines adopted pursuant to Item (i) of this Subparagraph shall not be applicable to a student who has been deemed to be gifted or talented unless the student has been identified as also having a disability.

§14:328. Obstruction or interference with members of staff, faculty, or students of educational institutions; trespass, damage to property; felony; penalties.

A. No person shall, on the campus or grounds of any state or public owned and operated junior college, college, university or branch thereof or any high school or junior high school in this state, hereinafter referred to as "educational institutions", or at or in any building or other facility thereof, willfully deny to students, school officials, teachers or other employees and invitees and guests thereof:

(1) Lawful freedom of movement on the campus or grounds;

(2) Lawful use of any property or facilities of any educational institution; or

(3) Their right of lawful ingress and egress to and from the physical facilities of such educational institution.

B. No person shall, on the campus or grounds of any educational institution or at or in any building or other facility owned, operated, controlled or administered by the governing authority of any such institution, willfully obstruct or impede any member of the faculty or administrative staff or other personnel of such institution in the lawful performance of their duties, or willfully obstruct or impede any student of such institution in the lawful pursuit of his educational activities or activities related thereto or a part thereof, through the use of restraint, abduction, coercion or intimidation, or by any action as a result of which force and/or violence are present or threatened.

C. No person shall willfully refuse or fail to leave the property of or any building or other facility owned, operated, controlled or administered by the governing authority of any such institution of higher education upon being requested to do so by the chief administrative officer or his designee charged with maintaining order on the campus or grounds and in the facilities thereon, if such person is committing, threatens to commit or incites others to commit any act which would disrupt, impair, interfere with or obstruct the lawful missions, processes, procedures or functions of the educational institution.

D. Nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent lawful assembly and peaceful and orderly petition for the redress of grievances, including any labor dispute between an educational institution and its employees, or any contractor or subcontractor or any employees thereof. Providing that nothing herein contained shall apply to a bona fide legal labor organization or to any of its legal activities such as picketing, lawful assembly or concerted activities in the interest of its members for the purpose of accomplishing or securing more favorable wage standards, hours of employment and working conditions.

E. Whoever violates any provision of this section shall be punished by a fine of not to exceed five hundred dollars or be imprisoned for not more than six months, or both.

§14:329.5. Prohibition of interference with educational process; certain activities excep.

A. No person shall, on the campus or lands of any university, college, junior college, trade or vocational-technical school, special school, elementary or secondary school in this state, hereinafter referred to as "institutions of learning," or at or in any building or other facility thereof owned, operated or controlled by the state or any of its agencies or political subdivisions, willfully deny to students, school officials, faculty, employees, invitees and guests thereof:

(1) Lawful freedom of movement on the campus or lands; or

(2) Lawful use of the property, facilities or parts of any institution of learning; or

(3) The right of lawful ingress and egress to and from the institution's physical facilities.

B. No person shall, on the campus of any institution of learning or at or in any building or other facility thereof owned, operated or controlled by the state or any agency or political subdivision thereof, willfully impede the staff or faculty of such institution in the lawful performance of their duties, or willfully impede a student of such institution in lawful pursuit of his educational activities, through use of restraint, abduction, coercion, or intimidation, or when force and violence are present or threatened.

C. No person shall willfully refuse or fail to leave the property of, or any building or other facility owned, operated or controlled by the state or any agency or political subdivision thereof, upon being requested to do so by the chief administrative officer thereof, or by his designee charged with maintaining order on the campus or grounds and in its facilities, or a dean of such institution of learning, if such person is committing, threatens to commit, or incites others to commit, any act which would or is likely to disrupt, impair, interfere with or obstruct the lawful missions, processes, procedures or functions of such institutions of learning.

§17:252. School master plans for supporting student behavior and discipline.

A. (2) The model master plan may include but need not be limited to guidelines for accomplishing the following:

(h) Improving methods and procedures for the handling of school suspensions, the referral of students to alternative schools, and the use of seclusion and physical restraint in addressing challenging student behavior.

§17:3911. Data collection system; establishment.

A. The department shall establish a standardized data collection and analysis system which shall be used to collect the data provided in Subsection B of this Section and shall be the basis for the creation of the progress profiles provided for in this Subpart.

B.(4)(b) The data collection system shall also include information on student discipline for each public school by percentage and unduplicated counts of total students with exceptionalities receiving discipline, including:

(v) Restraint procedures.

§17:416.21. Behavior of students with exceptionalities; use of seclusion and physical restraint.

A. As used in this Section:

(1) "Imminent risk of harm" means an immediate and impending threat of a person causing substantial physical injury to self or others.

(2)(a) "Mechanical restraint" means the application of any device or object used to limit a person's movement.

(b) Mechanical restraint does not include:

(i) A protective or stabilizing device used in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions for proper use and which is used in compliance with orders issued by an appropriately licensed health care provider.

(ii) Any device used by a duly licensed law enforcement officer in the execution of his official duties.

(3)(a) "Physical restraint" means bodily force used to limit a person's movement.

(b) Physical restraint does not include:

(i) Consensual, solicited, or unintentional contact.

(ii) Momentary blocking of a student's action if the student's action is likely to result in harm to the student or any other person.

(iii) Holding of a student, by one school employee, for the purpose of calming or comforting the student, provided the student's freedom of movement or normal access to his or her body is not restricted.

(iv) Minimal physical contact for the purpose of safely escorting a student from one area to another.

(v) Minimal physical contact for the purpose of assisting the student in completing a task or response.

(4) "Positive behavior interventions and support" means a systematic approach to embed evidence-based practices and data-driven decision making when addressing student behavior in order to improve school climate and culture.

(5) "School employee" means a teacher, paraprofessional, administrator, support staff member, or a provider of related services.

(6) "Seclusion" means a procedure that isolates and confines a student in a separate room or area until he or she is no longer an immediate danger to self or others.

(7) "Seclusion room" means a room or other confined area, used on an individual basis, in which a student is removed from the regular classroom setting for a limited time to allow the student the opportunity to regain control in a private setting and from which the student is involuntarily prevented from leaving.

(8) "Written guidelines and procedures" means the written guidelines and procedures adopted by a school's governing authority regarding appropriate responses to student behavior that may require immediate intervention.

B. (1) Seclusion shall be used only:

(a) For behaviors that involve an imminent risk of harm.

(b) As a last resort when de-escalation attempts have failed and the student continues to pose an imminent threat to self or others.

(2) Seclusion shall not be used to address behaviors such as general noncompliance, self-stimulation, and academic refusal. Such behaviors shall be responded to with less stringent and less restrictive techniques.

(3)(a) A seclusion room shall be used only as a last resort if and when less restrictive measures, such as positive behavioral supports, constructive and non-physical de-escalation, and restructuring of a student's environment, have failed to stop a student's actions that pose an imminent risk of harm.

(b) A student shall be placed in a seclusion room only by a school employee who uses accepted methods of escorting a student to a seclusion room, placing a student in a seclusion room, and supervising a student while he or she is in the seclusion room.

(c) Only one student may be placed in a seclusion room at any given time, and the school employee supervising the student must be able to see and hear the student the entire time the student is placed in the seclusion room.

(4) A seclusion room shall:

(a) Be free of any object that poses a danger to the student placed in the room.

(b) Have an observation window and be of a size that is appropriate for the student's size, behavior, and chronological and developmental age.

(c) Have a ceiling height and heating, cooling, ventilation, and lighting systems comparable to operating classrooms in the school.

C. (1) Physical restraint shall be used only:

(a) When a student's behavior presents a threat of imminent risk of harm to self or others and only as a last resort to protect the safety of self and others.

(b) To the degree necessary to stop dangerous behavior.

(c) In a manner that causes no physical injury to the student, results in the least possible discomfort, and does not interfere in any way with a student's breathing or ability to communicate with others.

(2) No student shall be subjected to any form of mechanical restraint.

(3) No student shall be physically restrained in a manner that places excessive pressure on the student's chest or back or that causes asphyxia.

(4) A student shall be physically restrained only in a manner that is directly proportionate to the circumstances and to the student's size, age, and severity of behavior.

D. Seclusion and physical restraint shall not be used as a form of discipline or punishment, as a threat to control, bully, or obtain behavioral compliance, or for the convenience of school personnel.

E. No student shall be subjected to unreasonable, unsafe, or unwarranted use of seclusion or physical restraint.

F. A student shall not be placed in seclusion or physically restrained if he or she is known to have any medical or psychological condition that precludes such action, as certified by a licensed health care provider in a written statement provided to the school in which the student is enrolled.

G. A student who has been placed in seclusion or has been physically restrained shall be monitored continuously. Such monitoring shall be documented at least every fifteen minutes and adjustments made accordingly, based upon observations of the student's behavior.

H. A student shall be removed from seclusion or released from physical restraint as soon as the reasons for justifying such action have subsided.

I. (1) The parent or other legal guardian of a student who has been placed in seclusion or physically restrained shall be notified as soon as possible. The student's parent or other legal guardian shall also be notified in writing, within twenty-four hours, of each incident of seclusion or physical restraint. Such notice shall include the reason for such seclusion or physical restraint, the procedures used, the length of time of the student's seclusion or physical restraint, and the names and titles of any school employee involved.

(2) The director or supervisor of special education shall be notified any time a student is placed in seclusion or is physically restrained.

J. A school employee who has placed a student in seclusion or who has physically restrained a student shall document and report each incident in accordance with the policies adopted by the school's governing authority. Such report shall be submitted to the school principal not later than the school day immediately following the day on which the student was placed in seclusion or physically restrained and a copy shall be provided to the student's parent or legal guardian.

K. If a student is involved in five incidents in a single school year involving the use of physical restraint or seclusion, the student's Individualized Education Program team shall review and revise the student's behavior intervention plan to include any appropriate and necessary behavioral supports. Thereafter, if the student's challenging behavior continues or escalates requiring repeated use of seclusion or physical restraint practices, the special education director or his designee shall review the student's plans at least once every three weeks.

L. The documentation compiled for a student who has been placed in seclusion or has been physically restrained and whose challenging behavior continues or escalates shall be reviewed at least once every three weeks.

M. (1) The governing authority of each public elementary and secondary school shall adopt written guidelines and procedures regarding:

(a) Reporting requirements and follow-up procedures.

(b) Notification requirements for school officials and a student's parent or other legal guardian.

(c) An explanation of the methods of physical restraint and the school employee training requirements relative to the use of restraint.

(2)(a) These guidelines and procedures shall be provided to the state Department of Education, all school employees and every parent of a student with an exceptionality. The guidelines and procedures shall also be posted at each school and on each school system's website.

(b) The provisions of Subparagraph (a) of this Paragraph shall not be applicable to the parent of a student who has been deemed to be gifted or talented unless the student has been identified as also having a disability.

N. (1) The State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education shall adopt rules establishing guidelines and procedures for public school systems to follow regarding the reporting of incidents of seclusion and physical restraint, including specific data elements to be included in such reporting.

(2) The governing authority of each public elementary and secondary school, in accordance with state board policy, shall report all instances where seclusion or physical restraint is used to address student behavior to the state Department of Education.

(3)(a) The state Department of Education shall maintain a database of all reported incidents of seclusion and physical restraint of students with exceptionalities and shall disaggregate the data for analysis by school; student age, race, ethnicity, and gender; student disability, where applicable; and any involved school employees.

(b)(i) Based upon the data collected, the state Department of Education shall annually compile a comprehensive report regarding the use of seclusion and physical restraint of students with exceptionalities, which shall at a minimum include the following:

(aa) The number of incidents of physical restraint disaggregated by school system; student age, race, ethnicity, gender, and student disability classification.

(bb) The number of incidents of seclusion disaggregated by school system; student age, race, ethnicity, gender, and student disability classification.

(cc) A list of the school systems and charter schools that have complied with the reporting requirements pursuant to Paragraph (2) of this Subsection.

(ii) The state Department of Education shall post the annual report on its website and submit a written copy to the Senate and House committees on education and the Advisory Council on Student Behavior and Discipline established pursuant to R.S. 17:253.


LAC 28:XLIII.540. Definitions.

A. As used in these Sections 541 through 543:

1. Imminent Risk of Harm-an immediate and impending threat of a person causing substantial injury to self or others;

2. Mechanical Restraint-

a. the application of any device or object used to limit a person's movement;

b. does not include:

i. a protective or stabilizing device used in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions for proper use and which is used in compliance with orders issued by an appropriately licensed health care provider;

ii. any device used by a duly licensed law enforcement officer in the execution of his official duties;

3. Physical Restraint-

a. bodily force used to limit a person's movement;

b. does not include:

i. consensual, solicited, or unintentional contact;

ii. momentary blocking of a student's action if said action is likely to result in harm to the student or any other person;

iii. holding of a student, by one school employee, for the purpose of calming or comforting the student, provided the student's freedom of movement or normal access to his or her body is not restricted;

iv. minimal physical contact for the purpose of safely escorting a student from one area to another; or

v. minimal physical contact for the purpose of assisting the student in completing a task or response;

4. Positive Behavior Interventions and Support-a systematic approach to embed evidence-based practices and data-driven decision making when addressing student behavior in order to improve school climate;

5. Seclusion-a procedure that isolates and confines a student in a separate room or area until he or she is no longer an immediate danger to self or others;

6. Seclusion Room-a room or other confined area, used on an individual basis, in which a student is removed from the regular classroom setting for a limited time to allow the student the opportunity to regain control in a private setting and from which the student is involuntarily prevented from leaving;

7. School Employee-a teacher, paraprofessional, administrator, support staff member, or a provider of related services;

8. Written Guidelines and Procedures-the written guidelines and procedures adopted by a school's governing authority regarding appropriate responses to student behavior that may require immediate intervention.

LAC 28:XLIII.541. Use of seclusion.

A. Seclusion shall be used only:

1. for behaviors that involve an imminent risk of harm;

2. as a last resort when de-escalation attempts have failed and the student continues to pose an imminent threat to self or others.

B. Seclusion shall not be used to address behaviors such as general noncompliance, self-stimulation, and academic refusal. Such behaviors shall be responded to with less stringent and less restrictive techniques.

C. A seclusion room shall be used only as a last resort and when less restrictive measures, such as positive behavioral supports, constructive and non-physical de-escalation, and restructuring of a student's environment, have failed to stop a student's actions that pose an imminent risk of harm.

D. A student shall be placed in a seclusion room only by a school employee who uses accepted methods of escorting a student to a seclusion room, placing a student in a seclusion room, and supervising a student while he or she is in the seclusion room.

E. Only one student may be placed in a seclusion room at any given time, and the school employee supervising the student must be able to see and hear the student the entire time the student is placed in the seclusion room.

F. A seclusion room shall:

1. be free of any object that poses a danger to the student placed in the room;

2. have an observation window and be of a size that is appropriate for the student's size, behavior, and chronological and developmental age; and

3. have a ceiling height and heating, cooling, ventilation, and lighting systems comparable to operating classrooms in the school.

LAC 28:XLIII.542. Physical restraint.

A. Physical restraint shall be used only:

1. when a student's behavior presents a threat of imminent risk of harm to self or others and only as a last resort to protect the safety of self and others;

2. to the degree necessary to stop dangerous behavior; and

3. in a manner that causes no physical injury to the student, results in the least possible discomfort, and does not interfere in any way with a student's breathing or ability to communicate with others.

B. No student shall be subjected to any form of mechanical restraint.

C. No student shall be physically restrained in a manner that places excessive pressure on the student's chest or back or that causes asphyxia.

D. A student shall be physically restrained only in a manner that is directly proportionate to the circumstances and to the student's size, age, and severity of behavior.

LAC 28:XLIII.543. Restrictions on the use of seclusion or physical restraint.

Seclusion and physical restraint shall not be used as a form of discipline or punishment, as a threat to control, bully, or obtain behavioral compliance, or for the convenience of school personnel.

B. No student shall be subjected to unreasonable, unsafe, or unwarranted use of seclusion or physical restraint.

C. A student shall not be placed in seclusion or physically restrained if he or she is known to have any medical or psychological condition that precludes such action, as certified by a licensed health care provider in a written statement provided to the school in which the student is enrolled.

D. A student who has been placed in seclusion or has been physically restrained shall be monitored continuously. Such monitoring shall be documented at least every 15 minutes and adjustments made accordingly, based upon observations of the student's behavior.

E. A student shall be removed from seclusion or released from physical restraint as soon as the reasons for justifying such action have subsided.

F. The parent or other legal guardian of a student who has been placed in seclusion or physically restrained shall be notified as soon as possible. The school shall document all efforts, including conversations, phone calls, electronic communications, and home visits, to notify the parent of a student who has been placed in seclusion or physically restrained.

1. The student's parent or other legal guardian shall also be notified in writing, within 24 hours, of each incident of seclusion or physical restraint. Such notice shall include the reason for such seclusion or physical restraint, the procedures used, the length of time of the student's seclusion or physical restraint, and the names and titles of any school employee involved.

G. The director or supervisor of special education shall be notified any time a student is placed in seclusion or is physically restrained.

H. A school employee who has placed a student in seclusion or who has physically restrained a student shall document and report each incident in accordance with the policies adopted by the school's governing authority. Such report shall be submitted to the school principal not later than the school day immediate

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U.S. Department of Education

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