A.(1)(c)(iii) A pupil in kindergarten through grade six removed from a class pursuant to this Subparagraph shall not be permitted to return to the class for at least thirty minutes unless agreed to by the teacher initiating the disciplinary action. A pupil in grades seven through twelve removed from a class pursuant to this Subparagraph shall not be permitted to return to the class during the same class period unless agreed to by the teacher initiating the disciplinary action. Additionally, the pupil shall not be readmitted to the class until the principal has implemented one of the following disciplinary measures:
(aa) In-school suspension.
(bb) Detention.
(cc) Suspension.
(dd) Initiation of expulsion hearings.
(ee) Assignment to an alternative school.
(ff) Requiring the completion of all assigned school and homework which would have been assigned and completed by the student during the period of suspension.
(gg) Any other disciplinary measure authorized by the principal with the concurrence of the teacher or the building level committee pursuant to law and board policy.
(iv) When a pupil is removed from a classroom pursuant to this Subparagraph, the teacher may require that the parent, tutor, or legal guardian of the pupil have a conference with the teacher in the presence of the principal or his designee before the pupil is readmitted.
(v) Upon the third removal from the same classroom pursuant to this Subparagraph, the teacher and the principal shall discuss the disruptive behavior patterns of the pupil and the potentially appropriate disciplinary measure before the principal implements a disciplinary measure. If appropriate, a referral of the matter may be made to an appropriate building level committee. In addition, a conference between the teacher or other appropriate school employee and the pupil's parent, tutor, or legal guardian shall be required prior to the pupil being readmitted.