Louisiana School Discipline Laws & Regulations: Substance Use

Discipline Compendium

Louisiana School Discipline Laws & Regulations: Substance Use

Category: Discipline Addressing Specific Code of Conduct Violations
Subcategory: Substance Use
State: Louisiana

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§14:403.1. Substance abuse in schools; definitions; confidential reports; immunity; penalty.

A. The purpose of this Section is to protect teachers, administrators, school support personnel, and employees of the public school systems of this state from liability for damages as a result of reporting substance abuse on school campuses. It is intended that as a result of such reporting, the children attending schools in this state shall not be exposed to substance abuse while on campus, and law enforcement shall be aided in efforts to eradicate substance abuse by students.

B. For the purposes of this Section, the following terms shall mean:

(1) "Person" is any employee of a public school system including, but not limited to, teachers, administrators, school bus drivers, janitors, lunch room workers, maintenance employees, and coaches of athletic teams.

(2) "Student" is any person enrolled at school, including any person so enrolled but on temporary suspension, and any person physically on campus, whether a student or non-student.

(3) "School" is any public elementary or secondary school in the state of Louisiana.

(4) "Campus" is all facilities and property within the boundary of the school property and all vehicles used for public transportation of students.

(5) "Controlled dangerous substance" is any substance regulated or defined in the Uniform Controlled Dangerous Substance Law, Part X, Chapter IV of Title 40 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, except where prescribed by a physician and possessed and consumed by the person for whom prescribed.

(6) "Substance Abuse Prevention Team," hereafter sometimes referred to as "the team," is a panel of not less than six members consisting of at least one (a) administrator, (b) teacher, (c) guidance counselor, (d) parent representative, and (e) school support person. The team shall be trained by personnel from the Substance Abuse Prevention Education Program of the Louisiana Department of Education.

In the absence of the availability of a team trained by personnel from the Substance Abuse Prevention Education Program, the principal of a school may establish a substantially similar panel which shall be considered a substance abuse prevention team.

C. (1) Any person having reasonable cause to believe that a student possesses a controlled dangerous substance or an alcoholic beverage on a school campus, under circumstances other than those described in Paragraph (2) of this Subsection, shall report such fact to the principal of the school or to the chairman of the Substance Abuse Prevention Team on a report form prepared by the Department of Education or on a substantially similar form. If the report is to the principal, the principal immediately shall forward it to the chairman of the team.

The team shall discuss the circumstances of the report with the student reported without disclosing the name of the reporting person and shall also meet with the parents of the student reported. The team shall thereafter report to the principal of the school and make recommendations for treatment, counselling, or other appropriate action.

(2) Any person having factual knowledge that a student has manufactured, distributed, or possessed with intent to distribute a controlled dangerous substance shall report such fact to the principal of the school who, upon a finding that there is reasonable cause to believe that the student has manufactured, distributed, or possessed with intent to distribute a controlled dangerous substance, shall report such information to the appropriate law enforcement agency. If the principal determines that there are reasonable grounds to believe the student possessed a controlled dangerous substance but did not manufacture, distribute, or possess with intent to distribute a controlled dangerous substance, he shall refer the matter to the Substance Abuse Prevention Team chairman.

(3) The report required in Paragraphs (1) and (2) of this Subsection shall be written and shall include the name of the person making the report, the name of the student suspected of committing the act so reported, and the specific incident which caused the reporting person to believe the act had occurred. Sufficient detail shall be included to allow the report to be adequately reviewed. When appropriate, the report shall include a behavioral profile of the student since his enrollment in class.

D. (1) The provisions of Subsection C of this Section shall not preclude any person from making a report of conduct to a law enforcement agency when that person has reasonable cause to believe that the manufacture or distribution of a controlled dangerous substance has taken or is taking place and that delay would jeopardize or impair the ability to control the manufacture or distribution of a controlled dangerous substance on a campus.

(2) The provisions of Subsection C of this Section shall not preclude any person from making a report of conduct to a law enforcement agency when that person has reasonable cause to believe that a student on campus is under the influence of alcoholic beverages and that delay would jeopardize or impair the ability to operate the school or result in the student's being a danger to himself or others.

(3) A law enforcement agency receiving a report under the provisions of this Subsection may conduct an investigation of the report. Such investigation may include the administering, upon the school grounds and after consent has been obtained from student's parent or legal tutor, of a breath or urine test for the presence of alcohol or a controlled dangerous substance, if the investigating officer has reasonable cause to believe the student is or recently was on campus while under the influence of alcoholic beverages or a controlled dangerous substance. The methods for the administration and analysis of a breath or urine test under the provisions of this Subsection shall be the same as for chemical testing and analysis authorized under R.S. 32:663. The results of a breath or urine test authorized under this Subsection shall be provided solely to the student, the parent or legal tutor of the student, the principal of the school, and the chairman of the Substance Abuse Prevention Team, and shall not be used as the basis for any disciplinary proceeding against the student. The law enforcement agency may keep a copy of the test results which copy shall not be a public record and shall not be open for public inspection but shall be kept confidential under lock and key and maintained only for internal record keeping purposes to preserve the integrity of said agency's files and shall not be used for any investigative purpose. The test results shall be exempt from the Public Records Act 1 (R.S. 44:1 et seq.) and shall not be admissible as evidence in any civil or criminal trial, hearing, or other proceeding.

E. All reports filed pursuant to this Section shall be confidential. The identity of the reporting person shall not be disclosed except when the constitution of the State of Louisiana or the United States so requires. All reports shall be exempt from the Public Records Act.

F. Any person who makes a report in good faith, pursuant to Subsections C and D of this Section, shall have immunity from civil liability that otherwise might be incurred. Such immunity shall extend to testimony in any judicial proceeding resulting from such report.

G. The willful failure by a person with permanent status to make a report required by Subsection C of this Section shall constitute willful neglect of duty which may subject the person to dismissal pursuant to R.S. 17:443, R.S. 17:462, R.S. 17:493, R.S. 17:523, or R.S. 17:533, as appropriate. Any person without permanent status may be dismissed for willful neglect of duty under this Section after a hearing in accordance with the procedures set forth in R.S. 17:443.

§17:240. Prohibition against use of tobacco in schools; prohibition against smoking on school bus; rules and regulations.

B. (1) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall smoke, chew, inhale, ingest, absorb, or otherwise consume any tobacco or tobacco product in any elementary or secondary school building nor shall any student or school employee smoke, chew, inhale, or absorb, or otherwise consume any tobacco product on any other school property; however, this prohibition shall not be applicable to any tobacco product that has been approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration for sale as a tobacco cessation product and is marketed and sold solely for such an approved purpose.

(2) No person shall smoke or carry a lighted cigar, cigarette, pipe, or any other form of smoking object or device, including but not limited to e-cigs, e-cigarettes, electronic cigarettes, advanced personal vaporizers, vape pens, and vape mods on any school property.

(3) The use of tobacco or any tobacco product is hereby prohibited on any school bus or school vehicle transporting students attending any elementary or secondary school.

(4) The provisions of this Subsection shall not apply to any school property that is rented, leased, or otherwise made available for use for non-educational purposes.

C. (1) The governing authority of each public elementary or secondary school shall and any governing authority of any nonpublic elementary or secondary school may adopt necessary rules and regulations to assure compliance with the provisions of this Section.

(2) The governing authority of each public elementary or secondary school and each nonpublic elementary or secondary school may provide for appropriate penalties for violators, including but not limited to disciplinary action or a fine not to exceed two hundred dollars, or both.

(3) The provisions of this Section shall be enforced by the local superintendents of education or their designees pursuant to any rules, regulations, and penalties promulgated pursuant to this Section.

§17:402. Findings and purpose.

A. The legislature finds that the use and abuse of alcohol, drugs, and other substances among the children of school age in this state is a problem of serious concern and destructive societal impact and that the incidence of alcohol, drug, and substance abuse among the young is high. Substance abuse leads to serious consequences and impairs one's ability to perform normally and productively in his educational and social environment. The legislature also finds that dependence on alcohol, drug, or other substances is an illness that can be prevented, identified, and treated. The legislature further finds that substantial alleviation of these problems may result from the development and implementation of comprehensive education programs and counseling in the public school systems of this state, combined with an enhanced law enforcement effort in the area of schools.

B. The purpose of this Part is to create a comprehensive program of alcohol, drug, and substance abuse prevention and education, which brings together the education system and the criminal justice system to educate, prevent, and punish such abuses, culminating in a drug free zone in and around the public schools in the state. The existence of such zones should enhance the whole community by bringing a clear-minded student into an environment more conducive to learning.

§17:403. Section on drug free schools and communities; program; section administrator; counselors.

A. The State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education and the state superintendent of education shall establish and maintain within the bureau of student services of the state Department of Education a separate program section which shall be designated as the section on drug free schools and communities. The board shall adopt such rules and regulations as are necessary to establish, operate, and maintain a state-wide alcohol, drug, and substance abuse education program for the benefit of students attending the schools of this state. The program may be extended to benefit adult citizens through adult education programs. The program shall be administered through the schools.

B. There shall be a section administrator of the section on drug free schools and communities who shall be appointed by the superintendent. The section administrator shall administer and be responsible for the affairs of the section on drug free schools and communities and the state-wide alcohol, drug, and substance abuse education program.

C. (1) There shall be addictive disorders professionals in every school system who regularly visit every secondary school and elementary school at a maximum of four schools to one counselor, for the purpose of counseling students who have been identified as having an alcohol, drug, or substance abuse problem. The duties of each counselor shall be coordinated by the section on drug-free schools and communities and each employing parish or city school system.

(2) Qualifications for addictive disorders professionals shall be determined, implemented, and enforced by the Department of Health and Hospitals, office of behavioral health.

§17:404. Establishment of programs of substance abuse.

A. Each city and parish school board shall establish and maintain in every school such grade appropriate programs of alcohol, drug, and substance abuse prevention, education, information, and counseling as are developed by the section on drug free schools and communities, and approved by the State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education for inclusion in the school program as required in Subsection B of this Section.

B. (1) The state superintendent of education, with the approval of the State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education, shall develop, furnish to local school boards, and coordinate the implementation of the programs required by this Section. Such programs shall be included in the school program such that every student in grades kindergarten through nine is involved for a minimum of sixteen contact hours every school year and every student in grades ten through twelve is involved for a minimum of eight contact hours every school year. The required minimum contact hours shall be incorporated into a comprehensive school health program. Each city and parish school system shall enact policies and procedures for implementation of such programs in accordance with guidelines promulgated by the State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education.

(2) In addition, the section on drug free schools and communities shall develop and make available to each school system development programs for teachers and other staff. Such programs shall include procedures for identifying students who exhibit signs of misuse or abuse of such substances and for referral for counseling or treatment, as an alternative to other disciplinary procedures and sanctions provided by law, or in other cases where such referral would be appropriate.

C. The state superintendent of education and the State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education through the section on drug free schools and communities shall continually study the existing programs, resources, and needs of school districts, and shall utilize this data and local school personnel in the development of a state plan and minimum standards for alcohol, drug and substance abuse prevention and education programs required in Subsection A of this Section.

D. Any minor who is a student enrolled in any public or private elementary, secondary, vocational-technical, training, special school or institution in Louisiana who is identified as having a substance abuse problem or who is involved in the production, manufacture, possession, distribution, or dispension of any controlled dangerous substance shall be required to participate in the school drug counseling program as provided in this Section in addition to any other penalties as provided by law. However, nothing herein shall prevent the student from participating in any other drug counseling program in lieu of the one in his school, provided such program is approved by the school system.

§17:416. Discipline of students; suspension; expulsion.

(3)(a) Any student arrested for possession of, or intentional distribution of, or possession with intent to distribute any illegal narcotic, drug, or other controlled substance on school property shall be referred by the school principal or his designee, within five days after such arrest, for testing or screening by a qualified medical professional for evidence of abuse of alcohol, illegal narcotics, drugs, or other controlled dangerous substances.

§17:416.2. Supervision of suspended or expelled students; alternative education programs.

D. (3) Rules and regulations pursuant to Paragraph (2) of this Subsection shall include all of the following:

(b) In an effort to support the on-time graduation of students who are suspended, expelled, or at high risk for dropping out or entry into the juvenile justice system, academic, behavioral, and mental health interventions must be provided. Interventions offered shall include but not be limited to the following:

(iii) Mental health interventions and supports:

(cc) Interventions to address substance use and to prevent substance abuse.


LAC 28:CXV.337. Written Policies and Procedures.

A. Each LEA shall have written policies governing all school activities as they relate to students, the instructional program, staff, buildings, services, and the curriculum.

B. Each LEA shall have policies and procedures that address, but are not limited to, the following:

15. the prohibition of teachers from recommending that a student be administered a psychotropic drug and from specifying or identifying any specific mental health diagnosis for a student;

16. the prohibition of teachers from using a parents refusal to consent to administration of a psychotropic drug or psychiatric evaluation, screening or evaluation as grounds for prohibiting a student from attending class or participating in school related activities or as the sole basis of accusations of child abuse or neglect against the parent or guardian.

LAC 28:CXV.503. Staff Organization.

E. There shall be alcohol, drug, and substance abuse counselors who regularly visit every secondary school and elementary school at a maximum ratio of four schools to one counselor, for the purpose of counseling students who have been identified as having an alcohol, drug, or substance abuse problem.

LAC 28:CXV.1133. Substance abuse.

A. Any school employee having reasonable cause to believe that a student possesses a controlled dangerous substance or an alcoholic beverage on a school campus shall report such fact to the principal of the school.

1. If a Substance Abuse Prevention Education (SAPE) team exists within the school, the principal shall forward the report to the chairperson of the team.

2. If the report has been given to the team directly or if the report has been forwarded to the team by the principal, the team shall discuss the circumstances of the report with the student reported without disclosing the name of the reporting person and shall meet with the parents of the student reported.

3. The team shall report to the principal of the school and make recommendations for treatment, counseling, or other appropriate action.

B. Any school employee having factual knowledge that a student has manufactured, distributed, or possessed with intent to distribute a controlled dangerous substance shall report such fact to the principal of the school who, upon finding that there is reasonable cause to believe that the student has manufactured, distributed, or possessed with intent to distribute a controlled dangerous substance, shall report such information to the appropriate law enforcement agency.

C. Any person who makes a report in good faith, pursuant to substance abuse, shall have immunity from civil liability that otherwise might be incurred. Such immunity shall extend to testimony in any judicial proceeding resulting from such report.

LAC 28:CXV.1143. Prohibition against the use of tobacco.

A. No person shall smoke, chew, or otherwise consume any tobacco or tobacco product in any elementary or secondary school building.

B. No person shall smoke or carry a lighted cigar, cigarette, pipe, or any other form of smoking object or device on the grounds of any public or private elementary or secondary school property, except in an area specifically designated as a smoking area.

C. Smoking shall be prohibited on any school bus transporting students attending any public elementary or secondary school.

LAC 28:CXV.1305. Reasons for suspension (Formerly §1303).

A. School principals may suspend from school any student, including an exceptional student, for good cause in accordance with state law and local policy.

B. Students determined to be guilty of the following offenses may be suspended for the following reasons:

1. willful disobedience;

2. disrespect to a teacher, principal, superintendent, and/or member or employee of the local school board;

3. making an unfounded charge against a teacher, principal, superintendent, and/or member or employee of the local school board;

4. using unchaste or profane language;

5. immoral or vicious practices;

6. conduct or habits injurious to his/her associates;

7. using tobacco and/or using and possessing alcoholic beverages or any controlled dangerous substances governed by the Uniformed Controlled Dangerous Substance Law in any form in school buildings or on school grounds;

8. disturbing the school and habitually violating the rules;

9. cutting, defacing, or injuring any part of public school buildings;

10. writing profane or obscene language or drawing obscene pictures in or on any public school premises, or on any fence, sidewalk, or building on the way to or from school;

11. possessing firearms, knives, or other implements that can be used as weapons;

12. throwing missiles on the school grounds;

13. instigating or participating in fights while under school supervision;

14. violating traffic and safety regulations;

15. leaving the school premises without permission or his/her classroom or detention room without permission;

16. habitual tardiness or absenteeism; and

17. committing any other serious offense.

LAC 28:CXV.1307. Reasons for expulsions.

A. Students may be expelled for any of the following reasons:

1. any student, after being suspended for committing any of the offenses listed in § 1305., may be expelled upon recommendation by the principal of the public school in which the student is enrolled;

2. any student, after being suspended on three occasions for committing drugs or weapons offenses during the same school session, shall, on committing the fourth offense, be expelled from all the public schools of the parish or city school system wherein he or she resides until the beginning of the next regular school year, subject to the review and approval of the local educational governing authority;

3. the conviction of any student of a felony or the incarceration of any student in a juvenile institution for an act which, had it been committed by an adult, would have constituted a felony, may be cause for expulsion of the student for a period of time as determined by the board; such expulsions shall require the vote of two thirds of the elected members of the local educational governing authority;

4. any student found guilty of being in possession of a firearm on school property or on a school bus or at a school sponsored event shall be expelled from school according to the requirements of R.S. 17:416(C)(2);

5. any student in grades six and up found guilty of being in possession of any illegal narcotic, drug, or other controlled substance on school property, on a school bus, or at a school event shall be expelled from school according to the requirements of R.S. 17:416(C)(2).

6. any student older than eleven and in grades six and up, carrying or possessing a knife the blade of which equals or exceeds two inches in length.

B. School officials shall have total discretion and shall exercise such discretion in imposing on a pupil any disciplinary actions authorized by this Section for possession by a student of a firearm or knife on school property when such firearm or knife is stored in a motor vehicle and there is no evidence of the student's intent to use the firearm or knife in a criminal manner.

C. Expulsion is not mandatory for a student carrying or possessing a firearm or knife for purposes of involvement in a school class or course or school-approved cocurricular or extracurricular activity or any other activity approved by the appropriate school officials or for a student possessing any controlled dangerous substance governed by the uniform controlled dangerous substances law that has been obtained directly or pursuant to a valid prescription or order from a licensed physician. However, such student shall carry evidence of that prescription or physician's order on his person at all times when in possession of any controlled dangerous substance which shall be subject to verification.

LAC 28:CXV.1309. Guidelines for expulsions.

B. Any student who has been expelled from any public or nonpublic school within or outside the state of Louisiana for one of the reasons listed below shall produce documentation that he or she and his/her parent or legal guardian have enrolled in and participated in an appropriate rehabilitation or counseling program related to the reason(s) for the expulsion prior to being admitted or readmitted on a probationary basis to any public school in the state, unless such requirement is waived by the LEA:

2. possessing with intent to distribute, or distributing, selling, giving, or loaning while on school property or on a school bus any controlled dangerous substance governed by the Uniform Controlled Dangerous Substances Law.

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U.S. Department of Education

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