Nebraska School Discipline Laws & Regulations: Return to school following removal

Discipline Compendium

Nebraska School Discipline Laws & Regulations: Return to school following removal

Category: Exclusionary Discipline: Suspension, Expulsion, and Alternative Placement
Subcategory: Return to school following removal
State: Nebraska

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R.R.S. Neb. § 79-266. Pre-expulsion procedures; when; expelled student; alternative assignments; suspension of enforcement; agreement between school boards; reinstatement; when; expungement; accept credits; conditions.

At the conclusion of such suspension period, the school district shall (a) reinstate any student who has satisfactorily participated in a plan pursuant to subsection (2) of this section or the school, class, or educational program to which such student has been assigned and permit the student to return to the school of former attendance or to attend other programs offered by the district or (b) if the student's conduct has been unsatisfactory, enforce the remainder of the expulsion action.

If the student is reinstated, the district may also take action to expunge the record of the expulsion action.

(4) At the conclusion of an expulsion, a school district shall reinstate the student and accept nonduplicative, grade-appropriate credits earned by the student during the term of expulsion from any Nebraska accredited institution or institution accredited by one of the six regional accrediting bodies in the United States.

R.R.S. Neb. § 79-283. Hearing; final disposition; written notice; effect; period of expulsion; review; when; procedure; readmittance.

(5) Any expulsion that will remain in effect during the first semester of the following school year shall be automatically scheduled for review before the beginning of the school year. The review shall be conducted by the hearing examiner after the hearing examiner has given notice of the review to the student and the student's parent or guardian. This review shall be limited to newly discovered evidence or evidence of changes in the student's circumstances occurring since the original hearing. This review may lead to a recommendation by the hearing examiner that the student be readmitted for the upcoming school year. If the school board or board of education or a committee of such board took the final action to expel the student, the student may be readmitted only by action of the board. Otherwise the student may be readmitted by action of the superintendent.


No relevant regulations found.

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