New Mexico School Discipline Laws & Regulations: Communication of Policy

Discipline Compendium

New Mexico School Discipline Laws & Regulations: Communication of Policy

Category: Codes of Conduct
Subcategory: Communication of Policy
State: New Mexico

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22-12A-6. Public school attendance policies; reporting.

D. A public school shall provide a copy of the public school's attendance policy to all parents of students in that school and publish the policy on the public school's website. The attendance policy shall include:

(1) the rights and obligations of parents and students pursuant to the Attendance for Success Act;

(2) the prevention strategies that will be implemented to ensure that students attend classes; and

(3) details about consequences of failing to adhere to the attendance policy.

22-5A-4. Notices required.

A school shall conspicuously post notices on school grounds stating that possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages is prohibited on school grounds.

22-35-3. Bullying prevention policies; adoption and enforcement.

C. Each local school board shall include bullying prevention policies and procedures for reporting bullying in student handbooks using developmentally and culturally appropriate language. Policies shall be produced and disseminated in appropriate languages for any school district in which a substantial portion of the student population speaks a language other than English at home.

22-35-4. Bullying prevention programs establishment.

B. Each school district and public school shall develop a plan for the way in which the policy is to be publicized, including:

(1) making each school district's anti-bullying policy, and developmentally, culturally and linguistically appropriate variants of the policy, available on public websites;

(2) identifying a point of contact for bullying-related concerns; and

(3) informing parents and students about the policy at least annually through student handbooks and other resources.

REGULATIONS Requirements.

E. A copy of the local school board or charter school's attendance policy shall be provided to the public education department's health education coordinator or designated staff for approval within ten (10) days of its adoption by the local school board or governing body of a charter school. Requirements.

Each local school board or governing body shall establish a tobacco, alcohol and drug free school policy:

E. Each school district and state-chartered charter school shall post conspicuous notices on all school premises prohibiting the use, possession and distribution of tobacco products, e-cigarettes and nicotine liquid containers, alcoholic beverages, mood-altering substances and illicit drugs, in school buildings, on school premises and by students at school-sponsored activities away from school grounds. Bullying Prevention Policies–adoption and enforcement.

C. Each local school board and governing body shall include bullying prevention policies and procedures for reporting bullying in student handbooks using developmentally and culturally appropriate language. Policies shall be produced and disseminated in appropriate languages in any school district in which a substantial portion of the student population speaks a language other than English at home. Bullying prevention programs–establishment.

B. Each school district and public school shall develop a plan for the way in which the policy is to be publicized, including:

(1) making each school district's bullying prevention policy, and developmentally, culturally and linguistically appropriate variants of the policy, available on district and/or school public websites;

(2) identifying a point of contact for bullying-related concerns; and

(3) informing parents and students about the policy at least annually through student handbooks and other resources.

American Institutes for Research

U.S. Department of Education

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