New Mexico School Discipline Laws & Regulations: Substance Use

Discipline Compendium

New Mexico School Discipline Laws & Regulations: Substance Use

Category: Discipline Addressing Specific Code of Conduct Violations
Subcategory: Substance Use
State: New Mexico

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22-2D-3. Programs; purpose; functions.

A. A "family and youth resources program" may be created in any public school in the state. Except as provided in Subsection D of this section, the department shall accept applications for grants from public schools in which eighty percent of the students are eligible for the free or reduced-fee lunch program to fund their program.

B. The purpose of the program is to provide an intermediary for students and their families at public schools to access social and health care services. The goal of the program is to forge mutual long-term relationships with public and private agencies and community-based, civic and corporate organizations to help students attain high academic achievement by meeting certain nonacademic needs of students and their families.

C. A program shall include the employment of a resource liaison, who shall:

(6) identify and coordinate age-appropriate resources for students in need of:

(b) drug and alcohol abuse counseling.

22-5-4.4. School employees; reporting drug and alcohol use; release from liability.

A. A school employee who knows or in good faith suspects any student of using or abusing alcohol or drugs shall report such use or abuse pursuant to procedures established by the local school board.

B. No school employee who in good faith reports any known or suspected instances of alcohol or drug use or abuse shall be held liable for any civil damages as a result of such report or his efforts to enforce any school policies or regulations regarding drug or alcohol use or abuse.

22-5A-1. Short title.

This act [22-5A-1 to 22-5A-5 NMSA 1978] may be cited as the "School Alcohol-Free Zone Act".

22-5A-2. Definitions.

As used in the School Alcohol-Free Zone Act [22-5A-1 NMSA 1978]:

A. "alcoholic beverage" means a beverage with no less than one-half percent alcohol and includes wine, beer, fermented, distilled, rectified and fortified beverages; and

B. "school grounds" means public elementary and secondary schools, including charter schools and facilities owned or leased by the school district in or on which public school-related and sanctioned activities are performed, but does not include other commercial properties owned by a school district but not related to the functions of a public school. "School grounds" includes the buildings, playing fields, parking lots and other facilities located on a school's premises.

22-5A-3. Alcoholic beverages prohibited on public school grounds.

It is unlawful to possess or consume alcoholic beverages on public school grounds.

22-5A-4. Notices required.

A school shall conspicuously post notices on school grounds stating that possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages is prohibited on school grounds.

22-5A-5. Penalties.

A. A person convicted of consumption or possession of an alcoholic beverage on school property for the first offense is guilty of a petty misdemeanor and subject to a fine of not less than twenty-five dollars ($25.00) or more than one hundred dollars ($100) and may be ordered to perform community service.

B. A person convicted of consumption or possession of an alcoholic beverage on school property for the second or a subsequent offense is guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to a fine of not more than five hundred dollars ($500) or imprisonment for a definite term not to exceed six months, or both.

REGULATIONS Rules of conduct for New Mexico public schools.

The acts specified in Subsection A of NMAC are prohibited in all public schools in New Mexico. Within legal limits as defined in Subsection L of NMAC, local school boards have discretion to develop rules of conduct governing all others area of student and school activity.

B. Regulated activities: Beyond those activities designated as prohibited in Subsection A of NMAC, all other areas of student conduct may be regulated within legal limits by local school boards as they deem appropriate to local conditions. Conduct by non-students which affects school operations may be regulated within legal limits pursuant to any of the forms of authority described in Subsection B. of NMAC. Activities subject to local school board regulation within legal limits include:

(4) use of controlled substances, alcohol and tobacco in public schools. Objective.

The objective of this rule is to prohibit the use, possession and distribution of tobacco products, e-cigarettes and nicotine liquid containers, alcoholic beverages, mood-altering substances and illicit drugs in school buildings, on school premises and by students at school-sponsored activities away from school grounds. Definitions.

A. "Alcoholic beverage" means any beverage containing more than one-half percent alcohol by volume, and includes all distilled or rectified spirits, potable alcohol or any similar alcoholic beverages, including all fermented or blended beverages and dilutions or mixtures of one or more of these alcoholic beverages.

B. "E-cigarette":

(1) means any electronic oral device, whether composed of a heating element and battery or an electronic circuit, that provides a vapor of nicotine or any other substances the use or inhalation of which simulates smoking; and

(2) includes any such device, or any part of it, whether manufactured, distributed, marketed or sold as an e-cigarette, e-cigar, e-pipe or any other product, name or descriptor; but

(3) does not include any product regulated as a drug or device by the United States food and drug administration under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, 21 U.S.C. Section 301 et seq.

C. "Illicit drugs" means prescription and over-the-counter medications used for non-medical purposes, or not used as medically prescribed by lawfully authorized practitioners or as directed by the manufacturer's literature, and include all supplemental dietary or nutrition ergogenic aids, stimulants, nootropics, adaptogens, painkillers, sedatives and anxiolytics, blood boosters and other performance-enhancing drugs.

D. "Mood-altering substances" means substances that change, or are capable of changing, a person's emotional state, and include all stimulants, opioids, intoxicative inhalants and hallucinogens.

E. "Nicotine liquid container" means a bottle or other container of any substance containing nicotine where the substance is sold, marketed or intended for use in an e-cigarette.

F. "School personnel" includes all administrators, principals, teachers, counselors, social workers, speech therapists, psychologists, nurses, librarians and other support staff who is employed by a school, or who perform services for the school on a contractual basis.

G. "Tobacco product" means any product made or derived from tobacco that is intended for human consumption, including any component, part or accessory of a tobacco product. This includes, among other products, cigarettes, cigars, pipe tobacco, roll-your-own tobacco, dissolvable tobacco, and smokeless tobacco. Smokeless tobacco means any snuff or chewing tobacco. Requirements.

Each local school board or governing body shall establish a tobacco, alcohol and drug free school policy:

A. The policy shall provide specific rules of conduct prohibiting the use, possession and distribution of tobacco products, e-cigarettes and nicotine liquid containers, alcoholic beverages, mood-altering substances and illicit drugs in school buildings, on school premises and by students at school-sponsored activities away from school grounds.

B. Each school district and state-chartered charter school shall detail the prohibited acts and activities under the policy, and shall establish adequate provisions for its enforcement, including the enumeration of possible sanctions or disciplinary action, consistent with applicable statutory and case law.

C. The policy shall provide that no school employee who in good faith reports any known or suspected use, possession or distribution of alcoholic beverages, mood-altering substances or illicit drugs shall be held liable for any civil damages as a result of such report or efforts to enforce the policy.

D. Each school district and state-chartered charter school shall develop and implement a procedure for effectively communicating the policy to students, their parents and families, school personnel, visitors on school premises, and to local residents, groups, businesses and organizations served by the school.

E. Each school district and state-chartered charter school shall post conspicuous notices on all school premises prohibiting the use, possession and distribution of tobacco products, e-cigarettes and nicotine liquid containers, alcoholic beverages, mood-altering substances and illicit drugs, in school buildings, on school premises and by students at school-sponsored activities away from school grounds. Exception.

Sections 6 and 8 of this rule shall not include the lawful possession or use by a minor of a tobacco-cessation product approved by the United States food and drug administration. Students.

A. Each school district and charter school shall ban a student's possession, use, distribution, sale, or being under the influence of a cannabis product in a manner inconsistent with provisions of the Lynn and Erin Compassionate Use Act.

B. No school shall discipline a student who is a qualified student on the basis that the student requires medical cannabis as necessary for the student to attend school.

C. No school shall deny eligibility to attend school to a qualified student on the basis that the qualified student requires medical cannabis as a reasonable accommodation necessary for the student to attend school or an in-state school-sponsored activity.

American Institutes for Research

U.S. Department of Education

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