(2) Recording of offenses.
(i) For purposes of reporting pursuant to this subdivision, each incident shall be reported once in the highest ranking category of offense that applies, except that incidents involving a weapon and one of the offenses listed in clauses (1)(vi)(a) through (f) of this subdivision shall be reported in the highest ranking category of offense that applies as an offense committed with a weapon, and not in weapons possession; and incidents involving drug use, possession or sale and/or alcohol use, possession or sale and another offense shall be reported in the highest ranking category in clauses (1)(vi)(a) through (g) of this subdivision that applies. If the offense involves only the use, possession or sale of drugs or alcohol, it shall be recorded in the applicable category of drug or alcohol use, possession or sale as an incident involving drug or alcohol use, possession or sale only. For purposes of determining the highest ranking offense pursuant to this subparagraph, offenses shall be ranked in the order that they appear in clauses (1)(vi)(a) through (f) of this subdivision, followed by weapons possession, drug use, possession or sale and alcohol use, possession or sale.
(ii) All incidents involving bomb threats or false alarms as defined in clauses (1)(vi)(e) and (f) this subdivision shall be reported. All incidents involving material incidents of harassment, bullying, and/or discrimination as defined in clause (1)(vi)(d) of this subdivision shall be reported.
(3) Submission of report. Each school district, board of cooperative educational services, charter school and county vocational education and extension board shall annually submit its report on violent or disruptive incidents, in the manner prescribed by the commissioner, on or before the basic educational data system (BEDS) reporting deadline or such other date as determined by the commissioner.
(4) Content of report. Each individual violent or disruptive incident report shall be in a form prescribed by the commissioner and shall contain the following information concerning each violent or disruptive incident that occurred in the prior school year:
(i) the number and types of offenders, identified as student, teacher, school safety officer, other school staff, student intruder, visitor, unknown or other;
(ii) if any offender is a student, the age and grade of the student;
(iii) the location at which the incident occurred, including:
(a) the school building in which the incident occurred or whose real property boundary line includes the athletic playing field, playground, parking lot or land on which the incident occurred, and whether the incident occurred in a classroom, laboratory, hall, staircase, gymnasium, locker room or pool, cafeteria, bathroom, auditorium, playground or athletic field or otherwise on school grounds; or
(b) where applicable, that the incident occurred on a school bus; or
(c) where applicable, that the incident occurred at a school function conducted off school grounds.
(iv) the types of incident, identified by category listed in clauses (1)(vi)(a) through (i) of this subdivision;
(v) whether the incident occurred during or outside of regular school hours;
(vi) where the incident involves a weapon, whether the weapon was a firearm, knife or other weapon;
(vii) whether the incident was bias-related, drug-related, or gang or group-related;
(viii) the actions taken by the school in response to the incident, including when the incident was reported to police or other law enforcement officials and whether disciplinary action was taken against the offenders;
(ix) any student discipline or referral action taken against a student/offender, including but not limited to an out-of-school suspension, a teacher removal, an involuntary transfer to an alternative placement, an in-school suspension, a referral for community service, a referral for counseling, or a referral to the juvenile justice system or the criminal justice system, and the duration of such action; and
(x) the number and nature of the victims, identified as a student, teacher, school safety officer, other school staff or other and the victim's age and grade where the victim is a student.
(5) Preparation of report. Each annual violent or disruptive incident report shall be in a form prescribed by the commissioner and shall contain such information as the commissioner shall prescribe, including but not limited to information on the frequency and types of incidents, offenders, victims and student discipline or referral actions taken, as is available on the date the annual report is submitted.
(6) Local procedures. The governing body of each school district, board of cooperative educational services, charter school and county vocational education and extension board shall establish local procedures for the reporting of violent or disruptive incidents by each building and/or program under its jurisdiction. Such procedures shall assure that copies of each violent or disruptive incident report at the building or program level are retained for period prescribed by the commissioner in the applicable records retention schedule, and are available for inspection by the department upon request; provided that a district or board that adopts an electronic reporting system may fulfill such requirement by retaining an electronic record of the information reported at the building or program level.