(1) Definitions. For purposes of this subdivision:
(xii) For purposes of this section, a report of harassment, bullying, and/or discrimination means a written or oral report of harassment, bullying, and/or discrimination that could constitute a violation of the Dignity for All Students Act (article 2 of the Education Law). Such a report may include, but is not limited to, the following examples:
(a) a report regarding the denial of access to school facilities, functions, opportunities or programs including, but not limited to, restrooms, changing rooms, locker rooms, and/or field trips, based on a person's actual or perceived race, color, weight, national origin, ethnic group, religion, religious practice, disability, sexual orientation, gender (which includes gender identity and/or expression), or sex; or
(b) a report regarding application of a dress code, specific grooming or appearance standards that is based on a person's actual or perceived race, color, weight, national origin, ethnic group, religion, religious practice, disability, sexual orientation, gender (which includes gender identity and/or expression), or sex; or
(c) a report regarding the use of name(s) and pronoun(s) or the pronunciation of name(s) that is based on a person's actual or perceived race, color, weight, national origin, ethnic group, religion, religious practice, disability, sexual orientation, gender (which includes gender identity and/or expression), or sex; or
(d) a report regarding the punishment, differential treatment or humiliation of a student, or exclusion of a student from a school function, athletic team or school yearbook, based on hair texture or protective hairstyle, or the request to alter or actual alteration of a protective hairstyle; or
(e) a report regarding any other form of harassment, bullying and/or discrimination, based on a person's actual or perceived race, color, weight, national origin, ethnic group, religion, religious practice, disability, sexual orientation, gender (which includes gender identity and/or expression), or sex.
(2) Reporting of incidents to the superintendent, principal, or designee.
(i) School employees who witness harassment, bullying, and/or discrimination or receive an oral or written report of harassment, bullying, and/or discrimination shall promptly orally notify the principal, superintendent, or their designee not later than one school day after such employee witnesses or receives a report of harassment, bullying, and/or discrimination, and
(ii) Such school employee shall also file a written report in a manner prescribed by, as applicable, the school district, board of cooperative educational services (BOCES) or charter school with the principal, superintendent, or their designee no later than two school days after making an oral report.
(iii) The principal, superintendent or the principal's or superintendent's designee shall lead or supervise the thorough investigation of all reports of harassment, bullying and/or discrimination, and ensure that such investigation is completed promptly after receipt of any written reports made under Education Law section 13.
(iv) When an investigation verifies a material incident of harassment, bullying, and/or discrimination, the superintendent, principal, or designee shall take prompt action, consistent with the district's code of conduct including but not limited to the provisions of section 100.2(l)(2)(ii)(h), reasonably calculated to end the harassment, bullying, and/or discrimination, eliminate any hostile environment, create a more positive school culture and climate, prevent recurrence of the behavior, and ensure the safety of the student or students against whom such behavior was directed.
(v) The principal, superintendent, or their designee shall notify promptly the appropriate local law enforcement agency when it is believed that any harassment, bullying or discrimination constitutes criminal conduct.
(vi) The principal shall provide a regular report on data and trends related to harassment, bullying, and/or discrimination to the superintendent. For the purpose of this subdivision, the term "regular report" shall mean at least once during each school year, and in a manner prescribed by, as applicable, the school district, BOCES or charter school.
(3) Reporting of material incidents to the commissioner.
(i) For the 2013-2014 school year and for each succeeding school year thereafter, each school district, board of cooperative educational services (BOCES) and charter school shall submit to the commissioner an annual report of material incidents of harassment, bullying, and/or discrimination, that occurred in such school year, in accordance with Education Law section 15 and this subdivision. Such report shall be submitted in a manner prescribed by the commissioner, on or before the basic educational data system (BEDS) reporting deadline or such other date as determined by the commissioner.
(ii) For purposes of reporting pursuant to this subdivision, a school district, BOCES or charter school shall include in its annual report all material incidents of harassment, bullying, and/or discrimination that:
(a) are the result of the investigation of a written or oral complaint made to the superintendent, principal or their designee, or to any other employee; or
(b) are otherwise directly observed by such superintendent, principal or their designee, or by any other employee regardless of whether a complaint is made.
(iii) Such report shall include information describing the specific nature of the incident, including, but not limited to:
(a) the type(s) of bias involved (actual or perceived race, color, weight, national origin, ethnic group, religion, religious practice, disability, sexual orientation, gender, sex, or other). Where multiple types of bias are involved, they shall all be reported;
(b) whether the incident resulted from student and/or employee conduct;
(c) whether the incident involved physical contact and/or threats, intimidation or abuse, including cyberbullying as defined in Education Law section 11(8); and
(d) the location where the incident occurred (on school property or at a school function, or off school property, where applicable).
(4) Protection of people who report discrimination and/or harassment.
(i) Pursuant to Education Law section 16, any person having reasonable cause to suspect that a student has been subjected to harassment, bullying, and/or discrimination by an employee or student, on school grounds or at a school function, who acting reasonably and in good faith, either reports such information to school officials, to the commissioner, or to law enforcement authorities or otherwise initiates, testifies, participates or assists in any formal or informal proceedings under this subdivision, shall have immunity from any civil liability that may arise from the making of such report or from initiating, testifying, participating or assisting in such formal or informal proceedings.
(ii) No school district, BOCES or charter school, or an employee thereof, shall take, request or cause a retaliatory action against any such person who, acting reasonably and in good faith, either makes such a report or initiates, testifies, participates or assists in such formal or informal proceedings.
(iii) Pursuant to Education Law section 13, retaliation by any school employee or student shall be prohibited against any individual who, in good faith, reports or assists in the investigation of harassment, bullying, and/or discrimination.