3. Suspension of a pupil.
b. (1) The board of education, board of trustees, or sole trustee, superintendent of schools, district superintendent of schools and the principal of the school where the pupil attends shall have the power to suspend a pupil for a period not to exceed five school days. In the case of such a suspension, the suspending authority shall provide the pupil with notice of the charged misconduct. If the pupil denies the misconduct, the suspending authority shall provide an explanation of the basis for the suspension. The pupil and the person in parental relation to the pupil shall, on request, be given an opportunity for an informal conference with the principal at which the pupil and/or person in parental relation shall be authorized to present the pupil's version of the event and to ask questions of the complaining witnesses. The aforesaid notice and opportunity for an informal conference shall take place prior to suspension of the pupil unless the pupil's presence in the school poses a continuing danger to persons or property or an ongoing threat of disruption to the academic process, in which case the pupil's notice and opportunity for an informal conference shall take place as soon after the suspension as is reasonably practicable.
3-a.b. The principal shall inform the person in parental relation to such pupil of the removal and the reasons therefor within twenty-four hours of the pupil's removal, provided that if such twenty-four hour period does not end on a school day, it shall be extended to the corresponding time on the next school day. The pupil and the person in parental relation shall, upon request, be given an opportunity for an informal conference with the principal to discuss the reasons for the removal. If the pupil denies the charges, the principal shall provide an explanation of the basis for the removal and allow the pupil and/or person in parental relation to the pupil an opportunity to present the pupil's version of relevant events. Such informal hearing shall be held within forty-eight hours of the pupil's removal, provided that if such forty-eight hour period does not end on a school day, it shall be extended to the corresponding time on the second school day next following the pupil's removal. For purposes of this subdivision, "school day" shall mean a school day as defined pursuant to clause (v) of subparagraph three of paragraph g of subdivision three of this section.
4402. Duties of school districts.
9. The board of education of trustees of each school district shall develop a procedure to notify the parent or person in parental relation of a student with a disability on the same day a physical or mechanical restraint is applied on such student or such student is placed in a time out room, When the student’s parent or person in parental relation cannot be contacted after reasonable attempts are made, the principal shall record and report such attempts to the committee on special education.