New York School Discipline Laws & Regulations: Return to school following removal

Discipline Compendium

New York School Discipline Laws & Regulations: Return to school following removal

Category: Exclusionary Discipline: Suspension, Expulsion, and Alternative Placement
Subcategory: Return to school following removal
State: New York

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3214. Student placement, suspensions and transfers.

3. Suspension of a pupil.

e. Procedure after suspension. Where a pupil has been suspended pursuant to this subdivision and said pupil is of compulsory attendance age, immediate steps shall be taken for his or her attendance upon instruction elsewhere or for supervision or detention of said pupil pursuant to the provisions of article seven of the family court act. Where a pupil has been suspended for cause, the suspension may be revoked by the board of education whenever it appears to be for the best interest of the school and the pupil to do so. The board of education may also condition a student's early return to school and suspension revocation on the pupil's voluntary participation in counseling or specialized classes, including anger management or dispute resolution, where applicable. [...]

3-a. Teacher removal of a disruptive pupil. In addition, any teacher shall have the power and authority to remove a disruptive pupil, as defined in subdivision two-a of this section, from such teacher's classroom consistent with discipline measures contained in the code of conduct adopted by the board pursuant to section twenty-eight hundred one of this chapter. The school authorities of any school district shall establish policies and procedures to ensure the provision of continued educational programming and activities for students removed from the classroom pursuant to this subdivision and provided further that nothing in this subdivision shall authorize the removal of a pupil in violation of any state or federal law or regulation. No pupil shall return to the classroom until the principal makes a final determination pursuant to paragraph c of this subdivision, or the period of removal expires, whichever is less.


100.2 (l)(2). Code of conduct.

(ii) The code of conduct shall include, but is not limited to:

(e) provisions prescribing the period for which a disruptive pupil may be removed from the classroom for each incident, provided that no such pupil shall return to the classroom until the principal makes a final determination pursuant to Education Law section 3214 (3-a)(c), or the period of removal expires, whichever is less.

American Institutes for Research

U.S. Department of Education

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