1. Teachers will follow the guidelines provided in Circular Letter 16-2013-2014, or the current circular letter, that establishes the procedure to be followed in implementing school retention norms of the Department of Education.
2. The school principal shall require teachers to keep a daily record of the students enrolled in the course and supervise the maintenance of this daily record of student attendance.
3. Next, the actions to follow according to the pattern of unjustified absences by the student.
Responsible Person: Teacher
1. Notify the school principal and support staff on the student's unjustified absences.
2. Will carry out an investigation in which the teacher will consult with the team of teachers to check if the student’s behavior is repetitive in other classes and, if deemed appropriate, will interview collaterals.
3. Contact the parent, guardian, or custodian of the student through various means, such as phone calls, text messages, email, or written notice, among others, to inform of the unjustified absences and discuss the causes, if any, of them.
4. Will meet and discuss with the student alternatives to avoid incurring unjustified absences.
Responsible Person: Teacher–Social Worker–School Counselor
1. The teacher will notify the unjustified absences in writing to the school principal and support staff.
2. The support staff will conduct an investigation in which he or she shall consult the team of teachers to see if the behavior is repetitive in their other classes and, if deemed appropriate, interview collaterals.
3. The support staff will contact the parent, guardian, or custodian of the student through various means, such as phone calls, text messages, email or written notice, among others, to coordinate an orientation meeting.
4. If necessary, the support staff will visit the student's home and report the findings to the school principal and the teacher that refers the situation.
5. The support staff will discuss with the parent, custodian, or guardian and the student the causes that have incurred in this pattern of absences, the alternatives to suspend this pattern of absences and ensure school attendance.
6. As a result of the discussion, support staff, parents, custodian, or guardian and the student will prepare a plan of action to prevent the child’s unjustified absences to school. The Intervention Plan Agreement will be signed by the support staff, the parents, guardian or custodian, and the student. Document C, Intervention Plan Agreement, located at the end of this Regulation shall be used for this agreement between the parties.
7. In addition, the support staff will ensure to orient the parent, guardian or custodian of the student on the administrative and legal consequences that may occur in the case of non-compliance with the Intervention Plan Agreement.
8. Similarly, the support staff will provide parents, guardians, or custodians a copy of Section 1.03 of the Law 149-1999, as amended, which provides that school attendance is compulsory and the corresponding actions regarding non-compliance with that Article.
9. Also, the support staff will ensure guidance to parents, guardians and custodians about Article IV subsection (c) and (d) of Regulation 8115 of December 8, 2011, known as General Student Regulations for the System of Education of Puerto Rico, and the public policy regarding the active integration of parents and guardians in the educational process in the schools of the Department of Education.
C. 10 days or more of incurring unjustified absences or cutting class
Responsible Person: Teacher–Social Worker–School Counselor–School Director
1. The teacher will inform in writing to the school principal and support staff on the pattern of unjustified absences by the student.
2. The support staff or the school principal will contact the parent, guardian or custodian of the student through various means, such as phone calls, text messages, email or written notice, among others, to inform the pattern absences and arrange a meeting if necessary.
3. The support staff or the school principal will refer, if necessary, the case to the Program of Interdisciplinary Services for School Coexistence (SICE) of educational region to which it belongs. This action will be taken once all the institutional remedies have been exhausted.
4. The school principal shall report in writing and refer to the corresponding social welfare agencies and the Prosecutor of the Department of Justice those parents, guardians, and custodians who fail to comply with the Intervention Plan Agreement. This process will be done in accordance with the table entitled "Notification of the Agencies."
5. The school principal shall inform the Juvenile Court when students participate in any judicial program (as diversion or dispositive).
4. In the case that the school doesn’t have support staff assigned, in line with the steps set out in the table above and according to the number of absences by the student, the school principal shall be responsible for performing all procedures delegated to the support staff.
5. The teacher will be responsible for registering in the Student lnformation System (SIE) the student has accumulated ten (10) or more unjustified absences or cuts of classes during the school year.
6. In addition, the school principal will register in the SIE relevant information regarding the referral done to the SICE, the social welfare agencies, or the Department of Justice.
7. The school principal will generate a report at the end of each school year about students who incurred in a pattern of unjustified absences and about the cases that were referred to the social welfare agencies and the Department of Justice. This report shall be sent to the Assistant Secretary of Student Support Services.
8. Notice to social welfare agencies and the Department of Justice will be done to the following offices:
Agency: Family Department (DF)
Legal Justification: Law 246-2011, Article 3, subsection (z), Article 5, subsection (7)
Place of Referral: Central Office of the DF
Program Office: Protection of Minors
Legal Justification: Law 149-1999, as amended, Article 1.03, subsection (c)
Place of Referral: Central Office of the DF
Program Office: Nutritional Assistance Program (PAN)
Agency: Public Housing Administration
Legal Justification: Law 149-1999, as amended, Article 1.03, subsection (c)
Place of Referral: Central Office of Housing
Program Office: Public Housing
Legal Justification: Law 149-1999, as amended, Article 1.03, subsection (c)