Tennessee School Discipline Laws & Regulations: Return to school following removal

Discipline Compendium

Tennessee School Discipline Laws & Regulations: Return to school following removal

Category: Exclusionary Discipline: Suspension, Expulsion, and Alternative Placement
Subcategory: Return to school following removal
State: Tennessee

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49-6-3401. Suspension of students–Expulsion of students–Exception for self-defense.

(c)(1) Except in an emergency, no principal, principal-teacher or assistant principal shall suspend any student until that student has been advised of the nature of the student's misconduct, questioned about it and allowed to give an explanation.

(2) Upon suspension of any student other than for in-school suspension of one (1) day or less, the principal shall, within twenty-four (24) hours, notify the parent or guardian and the director of schools or the director of schools' designee of:

(A) The suspension, which shall be for a period of no more than ten (10) days;

(B) The cause for the suspension; and

(C) The conditions for readmission, which may include, at the request of either party, a meeting of the parent or guardian, student and principal.

49-6-3402. Alternative schools for suspended or expelled students–Mandated attendance – Remote instruction.

(h)(1) LEAs establishing alternative schools or contracting for the operation of alternative schools shall develop and implement formal transition plans for the integration of students from regular schools to alternative schools and from alternative schools to regular schools. The plans shall be targeted to improve communication between regular and alternative school staff, provide professional development opportunities shared by regular school staff and alternative school staff, align curricula between regular schools and alternative schools, develop quality in-take procedures for students returning to regular school and provide student follow-up upon return to regular school.

(2) The state board of education shall adopt policies or guidelines to assist LEAs in developing transition plans.


0520-01-02-.09. Alternative education.

(9) Requirements for alternative education:

(m) Each LEA shall develop and implement formal transition plans for the integration of students from a traditional school to an alternative school or from an alternative school back to a traditional school. Transition plans shall be targeted to improve communication between a traditional school and an alternative school staff and should address any barriers that would prohibit students from successfully transitioning. Transition plans shall include aligning of curricula, in-take procedures for students returning to traditional school, professional development opportunities for traditional and alternative school staff, educational and behavioral supports, follow-up for students returning to traditional school, and the development of graduation and postsecondary goals.

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U.S. Department of Education

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