West Virginia School Discipline Laws & Regulations: Data Collection, Review, and Reporting of Discipline Policies and Actions

Discipline Compendium

West Virginia School Discipline Laws & Regulations: Data Collection, Review, and Reporting of Discipline Policies and Actions

Category: Monitoring and Accountability
Subcategory: Data Collection, Review, and Reporting of Discipline Policies and Actions
State: West Virginia

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§18-2C-3. Policy prohibiting harassment, intimidation or bullying.

(b) Each county board policy shall, at a minimum, include the following components:

(11) A requirement that each county board shall input into the uniform integrated regional computer information system (commonly known as the West Virginia Education Information System) described in section twenty-six [§ 18-2-26], article two of this chapter, and compile an annual report regarding the means of harassment, intimidation or bullying that have been reported to them, and the reasons therefor, if known. The West Virginia Department of Education shall compile the information and report it annually beginning July 1, 2012, to the Legislative Oversight Committee on Education Accountability.

§18-8-4. Duties of attendance director and assistant directors; complaints, warrants, and hearings.

(j) In addition to those duties directly relating to the administration of attendance, the county attendance director and his or her assistant directors also shall perform the following duties:

(4) Promote attendance in the county by compiling data for schools and by furnishing suggestions and recommendations for publication through school bulletins and the press, or in any manner directed by the county superintendent.

§18A-5-1a. Possessing deadly weapons on premises of educational facilities; possessing a controlled substance on premises of educational facilities; assaults and batteries committed by students upon teachers or other school personnel; temporary suspension, hearing; procedure, notice and formal hearing; extended suspension; sale of narcotic; expulsion; exception; alternative education.

(l) Each suspension or expulsion imposed upon a student under the authority of this section shall be recorded in the uniform integrated regional computer information system (commonly known as the West Virginia Education Information System) described in subsection (f), section twenty-six [§ 18-2-26], article two, chapter eighteen of this code.

(1) The principal of the school at which the student is enrolled shall create an electronic record within twenty-four hours of the imposition of the suspension or expulsion.

(2) Each record of a suspension or expulsion shall include the student's name and identification number, the reason for the suspension or expulsion and the beginning and ending dates of the suspension or expulsion.

(3) The state board shall collect and disseminate data so that any principal of a public school in West Virginia can review the complete history of disciplinary actions taken by West Virginia public schools against any student enrolled or seeking to enroll at that principal's school. The purposes of this provision are to allow every principal to fulfill his or her duty under subsection (b), section fifteen-f [§ 18-5-15f], article five, chapter eighteen of this code to determine whether a student requesting to enroll at a public school in West Virginia is currently serving a suspension or expulsion from another public school in West Virginia and to allow principals to obtain general information about students' disciplinary histories.

§61-7-11a. Possessing deadly weapons on premises of educational facilities; reports by school principals; suspension of driver’s license; possessing deadly weapons on premises housing courts of law and family law courts.

(c) A school principal subject to the authority of the State Board of Education who discovers a violation of § 61-7-11a(b) of this code shall report the violation as soon as possible to:

(1) The State Superintendent of Schools. The State Board of Education shall keep and maintain these reports and may prescribe rules establishing policy and procedures for making and delivering the reports as required by this subsection; and

(2) The appropriate local office of the State Police, county sheriff or municipal police agency.


§126-42-7. County board of education responsibilities.

7.1. Schools shall implement WVBE and county policies as well as county and school procedures to ensure high quality delivery of their education program. In meeting this responsibility, schools shall address the following components of a high quality education program.

7.1.a. Administrative Practices.

7.1.a.5. Participate in the West Virginia Education Information System (WVEIS) and other WVDE data collections through adherence to data collection calendars and guidance documentation, which are developed and maintained through the WVDE data governance structure per W. Va. 126CSR94, Policy 4350, Procedures for the Collection, Maintenance and Disclosure of Student Data, to ensure compliance with state and federal reporting requirements and to support the population and sustainability of the state's longitudinal data system for educational decision making.

§126-99-5. Severability.

Section 5. Procedures for Reporting Action on Substantiated Incidents Schools shall accurately track incidents of inappropriate behavior in order to utilize data for school climate/culture improvement efforts and to create documentation to support actions taken to intervene in inappropriate behavior patterns. The WVEIS provides schools with the platform to report all incidents of inappropriate behavior at the classroom level and above. The primary value of this data rests at the school and county level and is necessary for development and monitoring of Policy 4373. All inappropriate behaviors as described in Chapter 2 Section 2, Levels 1, 2, 3, and 4 shall be reported through:

-teacher-level documentation of inappropriate behavior leading to interventions, consequences, and/or referrals to the principal;

-Principal-level WVEIS data entry of teacher level documentation and administrative disciplinary actions. This data shall be entered by the principal and/or other authorized staff; or

-county superintendent-level WVEIS data entry of county board of education actions resulting from expulsion hearings. This data shall be entered by the county superintendent and/or other authorized staff.

Incidents of inappropriate behaviors reported into WVEIS in accordance with this policy will be used by the WVDE to comply with federal and state reporting requirements.

American Institutes for Research

U.S. Department of Education

The contents of the National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments Web site were assembled under contracts from the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Safe and Supportive Schools to the American Institutes for Research (AIR), Contract Number  91990021A0020.

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