West Virginia School Discipline Laws & Regulations: Gang-related Activity

Discipline Compendium

West Virginia School Discipline Laws & Regulations: Gang-related Activity

Category: Discipline Addressing Specific Code of Conduct Violations
Subcategory: Gang-related Activity
State: West Virginia

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No relevant laws found.


§126-99-5. Severability.

Appendix A: Behaviors and Definitions

Gang-Related Activity

Using violence, force, coercion, threat of violence or gang activity that causes disruption or obstruction to the educational process. Gangs are defined as organized groups of students and/or adults who engage in activities that threaten the safety of the general populace, compromise the general community order, and/or interfere with the school district's educational mission. Gang activity includes:

. Wearing or displaying any clothing, jewelry, colors, or insignia that intentionally identifies the student as a member or otherwise symbolizes support of a gang.

. Using any word, phrase, written symbol, or gesture that intentionally identifies a student as a member, or otherwise symbolizes support of a gang.

. Gathering of two or more persons for purposes of engaging in activities or discussions promoting gangs.

. Recruiting student(s) for gangs.

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U.S. Department of Education

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