West Virginia School Discipline Laws & Regulations: Return to school following removal

Discipline Compendium

West Virginia School Discipline Laws & Regulations: Return to school following removal

Category: Exclusionary Discipline: Suspension, Expulsion, and Alternative Placement
Subcategory: Return to school following removal
State: West Virginia

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§18-5-15f. Affirmation regarding the suspension or expulsion of a pupil from school.

(d) Notwithstanding any other provision of this code to the contrary, any pupil who has been suspended or expelled from school pursuant to section one-a [§ 18A-5-1a], article five, chapter eighteen-a of this code, or who has been suspended or expelled from a public or private school in another state, due to actions described in section one-a, article five, chapter eighteen-a of this code, may not be admitted to any public school within the State of West Virginia until the period of suspension or expulsion has expired.

§18-8-8. Child suspended for failure to comply with requirements and regulations treated as unlawfully absent.

If a child be suspended from school because of improper conduct or refusal of such child to comply with the requirements of the school, the school shall immediately notify the county superintendent of such suspension, and specify the time or conditions of such suspension. Further admission of the child to school may be refused until such requirements and regulations be complied with. Any such child shall be treated by the school as being unlawfully absent from the school during the time he refuses to comply with such requirements and regulations, and any person having legal or actual control of such child shall be liable to prosecution under the provisions of this article for the absence of such child from school: Provided, That the county board of education does not exclude or expel the suspended child from school.

§18A-5-1. Authority of teachers and other school personnel; exclusion of students having infectious diseases; suspension or expulsion of disorderly students; corporal punishment abolished.

(c) The teacher may exclude from his or her classroom or school bus any student who is guilty of disorderly conduct; who in any manner interferes with an orderly educational process; who behaves in a manner that obstructs the teaching or learning process of others in the classroom; who threatens, abuses or otherwise intimidates or attempts to intimidate a school employee or a student; who willfully disobeys a school employee; or who uses abusive or profane language directed at a school employee. Any student excluded shall be placed under the control of the principal of the school or a designee. The excluded student may be admitted to the classroom or school bus only when the principal, or a designee, provides written certification to the teacher that the student may be readmitted and specifies the specific type of disciplinary action, if any, that was taken. If the principal finds that disciplinary action is warranted, he or she shall provide written and, if possible, telephonic notice of the action to the parent(s), guardian(s) or custodian(s). When a student is excluded from a classroom or a school bus two times in one semester, and after exhausting all reasonable methods of classroom discipline provided in the school discipline plan, the student may be readmitted to the classroom or the school bus only after the principal, teacher and, if possible, the parent(s), guardian(s) or custodian(s) of the student have held a conference to discuss the student's disruptive behavior patterns, and the teacher and the principal agree on a course of discipline for the student and inform the parent(s), guardian(s) or custodian(s) of the course of action. Thereafter, if the student's disruptive behavior persists, upon the teacher's request, the principal may, to the extent feasible, transfer the student to another setting. The Legislature finds that isolating students or placing them in alternative learning centers may be the best setting for chronically disruptive students. The county board shall create more alternative learning centers or expand its capacity for alternative placements, subject to funding, to correct these students' behaviors so they can return to a regular classroom without engaging in further disruptive behavior.

§18A-5-1d. Return to school through Juvenile Drug Court for certain students.

(c)(3) The student assistance team shall evaluate and recommend whether the student's expulsion period should be reduced, and the student reinstated in school.

(4) The student assistance team's recommendation shall be presented to the superintendent, who shall make the final determination. The superintendent shall prepare a statement detailing reasons for or against school reinstatement and submit the statement to the county board. If the superintendent determines to reduce the expulsion period, he or she shall submit the statement required by §18A-5-1a(i) of this code and place the student in an appropriate school within the district.

(5) A student to be reinstated shall be permitted to return to school no later than the 10th regular school day following notice by the court to the superintendent regarding the student's successful completion or satisfactory progress toward successful completion of Juvenile Drug Court.


§126-99-5. Severability.

The excluded student may be admitted to the classroom or school bus only when the principal, or a designee, provides written certification to the teacher that the student may be readmitted and specifies the specific type of disciplinary action, if any, that was taken. If the principal finds that disciplinary action is warranted, he or she shall provide written and, if possible, telephonic notice of the action to the parent or guardian.

When a student is excluded from a classroom or a school bus two times in one semester, and after exhausting all reasonable methods of classroom discipline provided in the school discipline plan, the student may be readmitted to the classroom or the school bus only after the principal, teacher and, if possible, the parent or guardian of the student have held a conference to discuss the student's disruptive behavior patterns and agree on a course of action. If they are not present at the conference then the parent or guardian must be notified of the course of action. Thereafter, if the student's disruptive behavior persists, upon the teacher's request, the principal may, to the extent feasible, transfer the student to another setting. [...]

Section 2. Guidelines for Specific Responses to Inappropriate Behavior

The excluded student may be admitted to the classroom or school bus only when the principal, or a designee, provides written certification to the teacher that the student may be readmitted and specifies the specific type of disciplinary action, if any, that was taken. If the principal finds that disciplinary action is warranted, he or she shall provide written and, if possible, telephonic notice of the action to the parent or guardian.

When a student is excluded from a classroom or a school bus two times in one semester, and after exhausting all reasonable methods of classroom discipline provided in the school discipline plan, the student may be readmitted to the classroom or the school bus only after the principal, teacher and, if possible, the parent or guardian of the student have held a conference to discuss the student's disruptive behavior patterns and agree on a course of action. If they are not present at the conference then the parent or guardian must be notified of the course of action. Thereafter, if the student's disruptive behavior persists, upon the teacher's request, the principal may, to the extent feasible, transfer the student to another setting.

American Institutes for Research

U.S. Department of Education

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