West Virginia School Discipline Laws & Regulations: State Model Policies and Implementation Support

Discipline Compendium

West Virginia School Discipline Laws & Regulations: State Model Policies and Implementation Support

Category: Prevention, Behavioral Interventions, and Supports
Subcategory: State Model Policies and Implementation Support
State: West Virginia

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§18-2-13. Character education integration.

(d) The state board shall assist county boards in developing in-service training regarding integrated character education as provided in this section.

(e) The State Department of Education is encouraged to utilize any existing moneys available to the department for existing character development programs, along with any new funds appropriated for the purposes of this section, to secure the maximum amount of any federal funding available for which the state department is eligible to receive for implementing character development in the schools.

§18-2C-3. Policy prohibiting harassment, intimidation or bullying.

(d) To assist county boards in developing their policies, the West Virginia Department of Education shall develop a model policy applicable to grades kindergarten through twelfth. The model policy shall be issued by September 1, 2011.

§18-9F-9. Crisis Response Plan.

(a) The state board in conjunction with the Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management shall promulgate by December 31, 2011, a legislative rule in accordance with article three-b [§§ 29A-3B-1 et seq.], chapter twenty-nine-a of this code, and if necessary may promulgate an emergency rule in accordance with said article, for the establishment of an up-to-date, school specific crisis response plan at every school in the state. In developing the rule, the state board shall consider plans currently being developed as part of the safe schools initiative currently underway by the School Building Authority and the Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management. In addition, those portions of a school's access safety plan created pursuant to section three [§ 18-9F-3] of this article may be used as a portion of the school's school specific crisis response plan if there are any overlapping requirements. The rule shall provide for at least the following:

(1) A model school crisis response plan for use by each school in the state, including a uniform template which shall be used by each school to file the plan, including at least the following information, in a secure electronic system identified by the Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management:

(F) Policies and procedures for enforcing school discipline and maintaining a safe and orderly environment during the crisis.


No relevant regulations found.

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U.S. Department of Education

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