Addressing Human Trafficking in America’s Schools Training Collateral

Addressing Human Trafficking in America’s Schools Training Collateral

Though no one wants to believe that trafficking children for sex or labor is a serious problem, we now understand that it is. Trafficking of children takes place throughout the country, in urban, suburban, and rural areas; no place is immune. Trafficking children for sex or labor is a particularly heinous crime that can have devastating consequences for children, including long-lasting physical and psychological trauma. Schools can and do play an extremely important role in preventing trafficking and in interrupting it when it does occur.

To help share key information on identifying potential trafficking, generating appropriate school-level responses, and implementing strategies to prevent trafficking of students, the U.S. Department of Education developed a set of training collateral including posters and shareables, or pictures that can be posted in social media or on websites. This training collateral are designed to pique staff interest to learn more and/or support continued attention after completing the Addressing Human Trafficking in America’s Schools Staff Development Series (series).


The poster contains key messages from the series and QR code links to additional information for staff reference.

Addressing Human Trafficking in America’s Schools Poster

8.5” x 11”

8.5” x 14”

24” x 36”


Three shareables or images that can be posted on social media or websites include notable quotes from series presenters and offer links to full online content.

“School was my safe haven. That’s where I thrived. It’s the place that everything was possible and none of the darkness existed.” Honorable Jennisue Jessen, Member of US Advisory Council on Human Trafficking. To learn more, view the U.S. Department of Education’s Human Trafficking Staff Development Series. Access the entire series here.


Without Masks

With Masks

“Schools can’t do it alone and aren’t MEANT to do it alone.” Charisma De Los Reyes,  San Diego County Office of Education. To learn more, view the U.S. Department of Education’s Human Trafficking Staff Development Series. Access the entire series here.


Without Masks

With Masks

“Traffickers can look like anyone.”  Dr. Deanna Walters, CDC. Dr. Walters is one of several speakers you’ll hear in the U.S. Department of Education’s Human Trafficking Staff Development Series.  Access the series here.


These training collateral also complement the guide, Human Trafficking in America’s Schools: What Schools Can Do To Prevent, Respond, and Help Students To Recover From Human Trafficking, released in January 2021, and content shared via the Addressing Human Trafficking in America’s Schools Webinar Series.


American Institutes for Research

U.S. Department of Education

The contents of the National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments Web site were assembled under contracts from the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Safe and Supportive Schools to the American Institutes for Research (AIR), Contract Number  91990021A0020.

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