Program implementers often utilize national registries of evidence-based programs to assess the efficacy of available program options and use guidance from these sites to gauge the appropriateness of alternative programs. In this webinar, using bullying prevention programming as an example of this process, experts in the field provided:
- Information on what comprises “evidence,” particularly in the context of national evidence-based registries.
- Guidance on how to effectively use evidence-based program directories while accounting for unique school/organization/community needs and realities.
- Examples of why some evidence-based programs may not be a good fit with particular settings.
- Details on why it is important to continually assess program implementation efforts.
- Information on the review process currently underway for the federal evidence based program registries.
- Brian Bumbarger, Director at Penn State's Evidence-Based Prevention and Intervention Support Center (EPISCenter),
- Nancy Vaniman, Project Manager of Choose Peace Stop Violence at United Way of Broward County, and
- Amy Staubs, Policy Advisor, Office of the Assistant Attorney General, Office of Justice Programs.
Webinar Materials
View the Webinar recording (Windows Media Video)
Download the presentation slides (PDF)
Questions and Answers (PDF) - Coming Soon
Have you seen our new Website feature Voices from the Field? It is a place where administrators, teachers, school support staff, community, and family members can (1) share what they think by responding to a polling question, (2) see what others think by viewing the poll’s results, (3) see what experts think by reading a short post that includes references and related resources, and (4) share one’s own experiences by posting comments on safe and supportive schools topics. Around the time of this Webinar, the Voices from the Field topic was program selection, corresponding to this Webinar's content. We invite you to participate and look forward to hearing from the field on how school climate improvements are being implemented!