
One In five college students have kids. Here’s how to help them balance books and babies.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

One in five college students is a parent, according to an Aspen Institute initiative on postsecondary education. These learners are balancing two demanding worlds: the challenge of managing coursework and classroom deadlines while also meeting the needs of their children, often with little sleep and few breaks. Even in the open access, low-cost community college sector, it is difficult to retain students with childcare responsibilities. A 2023 study conducted by New America and Lake Research Partners revealed that students with children face challenges with work and caregiving that threaten completion of a credential. Those student parents who are successful are often provided financial support, childcare access, and connections to basic needs programs. For student parents, leaving higher education before earning a credential has shown to have a detrimental effect on economic mobility and the creation of a college-going culture in families. 

American Institutes for Research

U.S. Department of Education

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