Destigmatizing Mental Health through the Arts with Stacy Hardison (August 2023)

On this episode of In Session, we talk to Stacy Hardison, school counselor and Project Prevent (Cohort 2) Grant Program recipient, about utilizing the arts to destigmatize mental health, particularly in rural communities such as Stringtown Public School in Oklahoma. Stacy Hardison is joined by school psychologist and Project Director for the Stringtown P2 Grant Ronny Potts. This conversation is guided by Annie Knowles and Brianna Cunniff.

Learn more about Stringtown Public School by visiting their website and reading their Grantee Highlight

Time Stamp

Question / Topic Discussed




How the mental health initiative began at Stringtown.


How data analysis drove the programming.


What efforts were made to get student buy-in.


Engaging students.


Advice for other schools that want to try something similar.


Lessons learned.


Impacts of the initiative.


Takeaways and closing.


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