Creating a Student Wellness Center with Jeff Middleton

As the United States contends with a mental health crisis, schools across the country are working to provide mental health supports and services to help students thrive in school. One of NCSSLE’s Project Prevent (Cohort 3) grantees, El Rancho Unified School District in Southern California, has created a wellness center in the district’s high school for students to decompress and seek mental health supports and resources throughout the school day.    

On this episode of “In Session,” we speak with Jeff Middleton, a Project Prevent (Cohort 3) grant recipient from El Rancho Unified School District in California, about El Rancho High School’s Wellness Center.

Learn more about El Rancho’s wellness center by reading their Grantee Highlight

Time Stamp 

Question / Topic Discussed 
1:40Describing the Wellness Center
7:57Engaging Students in the Development of the Center
9:36Impact of the Wellness Center
12:12Lessons Learned
15:26What's Next?
17:10Engaging Students at Different Ages 

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Please note, the contents of this podcast do not necessarily represent the policy or views of the U.S. Department of Education, nor does it imply endorsement by the U.S. Department of Education. 

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