Cultural & Linguistic Competence - IHE

cultural linguistic
Higher Education

Institutions of higher education (IHEs) can honor college students’ identities, communicate in ways that make sense to them, and support and promote equitable policies and practices.

Acknowledging and respecting cultural, linguistic, and community identities of students and their families can help optimize educational experiences and attainment for students of all backgrounds. IHEs can bring awareness of diverse cultural identities and an understanding about differences among students to create culturally responsive learning environments. Institutional policies can explicitly build in supports and practices that seek to eliminate disparities and barriers that students may face related to their cultural identities.

Featured Resources

Improving Titles III & V of the Higher Education Act to Better Serve Students of Color and Students from Low-Income Backgrounds
Provides recommendations for how to amend Titles III and V of the Higher Education Act to better meet the needs of 21st-century students of color and low-income students.
Miles to Go: The State of Education for Black Students in America
Presents a broad overview of data on the education of Black students in the United States in early childhood, K-12, and postsecondary education. The data clearly show disparities in outcomes for Black students’ graduation rates, test scores, course completion, and many other measures, when compared with national averages and other student groups. However, our analysis shows that these disparities are actually symptoms of opportunity gaps – or limits to the opportunities some students have to learn and succeed educationally.
Using Supportive Services to Advance Community College Equity Goals

Explores what types of supportive services are being provided across community colleges in the ACE-UP community of practice, what challenges college staff and partners have faced, and where opportunities exist to advance equity through the provision of supportive services.

Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation (TRHT) Campus Climate Assessment Toolkit

Complements existing campus climate assessment tools and offers reflection-based and action-oriented guidance, strategies, and tools informed by the TRHT approach to support institutional transformation efforts.

How Institutions Can Increase Social Mobility for Key Populations through Strategic Data Use

Aims to bring awareness to the barriers that impede institutions’ ability to establish strong data use practices and culture while highlighting bright spots of high-impact data practices at various institution types. Equally as important, it elevates clear roles for key stakeholders to support institutions in tackling the imperative of closing economic disparities and better serving learners.

Related Resources



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U.S. Department of Education

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