School Participation - IHE

School Participation Banner
Higher Education

Institutions of higher education (IHE) can provide a diverse array of opportunities on campus that encourage college student participation, engagement, and involvement outside the classroom, including student organizations, leadership opportunities, community service, fraternities and sororities, athletics, and employment.

College students who are involved in co-curricular activities are more likely to have positive outcomes than their peers who have little to no involvement on campus. Research shows that involved students have better academic performance, brain development, psychological well-being, leadership skills, and multicultural awareness.

These attributes extend beyond graduation. For instance, employers report students who participated in co-curricular activities in college are more employable and career-ready than those with little to no involvement.

Featured Resources

Making the Invisible Visible

Shares insights on work underway to improve data collection and support parenting students, and highlights significant unaddressed gaps. Insights are drawn from perspectives of individuals directly engaged in parenting student support across 11 CSU campuses, shared through survey responses and focus group conversations, as well as information collected via a thorough review of campus websites and CSU data dashboards.

College Completion in California

Provides an overview of college completion rates in California.

Juggling Roles and Achieving Goals

Provides insights into who student parents are and their educational experiences and points to the policies that can help them thrive in college and beyond.

Postsecondary Access and Success for Returning Learners

Complements the “College Completion Comebacks” film series. The series features the stories of Korey, Joe, and Bonnie, three students who returned to college after stopping out. It shows them charting their own course to degree completion and the evidence-based institutional practices that supported their journeys.

EmpowerED Dads

Uncovers the unique experiences of student fathers pursuing higher education. Student fathers have a lot to say about their experiences and what empowers them, and we listened.

Fathers’ paths to graduation include caregiving, working, and overcoming the stereotype of not being actively involved in their children’s lives. This report aims to change that narrative by highlighting their voices and advocating for the support they need to succeed.

Related Resources

Higher Ground Podcast


American Institutes for Research

U.S. Department of Education

The contents of the National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments Web site were assembled under contracts from the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Safe and Supportive Schools to the American Institutes for Research (AIR), Contract Number  91990021A0020.

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